
Saturday, January 11, 2014

First Finish of 2014!

Finally, Scott's Rhombi:  A Penrose Tiling is finished!
I'm tired of looking at it!  I'm sure you are as well.  I needs to be run through the dryer with a damp towel again to get all the cat/dog/Gail hair off of it but I have no more stitches to take in it!!  I'm taking it to Quilt Guild on Monday and then sending it off to live in Scott's office in Columbia.  (His coo-workers will have something new to look at when they video-conference!)

Now on to Twisted.

1 comment:

  1. Wow - It looks three dimensional! It's good to have a finish so early in the year. The one day cricket is on this afternoon (more like a baseball game - traditional test cricket which runs over 5 days) so I'll be stitching some of my hexies.
