
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

I am a WISP (Work In Slow Progress)!

Three steps forward, two steps back that's the kind of progress I'm making on recovery!  I can take several steps, even stand up straight and take them almost normally, I could take many steps (maybe) but the cost in pain would be pretty high.  Not only the pain during the step but the pain after due to the cranky nerves.  So mostly I get around using crutches or rolling my chair around backwards!  Monday, Tanya took me to the grocery store.  She let me out at the door, I used crutches to get inside and then I rode around on the electric carts they keep for the disabled!  Apparently, it was fairly humorous watching me figure out how to drive the thing!  Always glad to provide entertainment for those around me!  Tanya carried in the groceries for me and I put them away using crutches.  I doubt that I could have done it myself but I probably would have tried.  Rob and Tanya have taken super care of me the past week-mowing the grass, bringing up coke from the frig downstairs and a million small things I would have found it difficult to do alone.  Tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment.  I am doing that alone and on crutches.  Should be exciting.

I finished the top of Scott's Rhombi, a penrose tiling, but can't go any farther until I can get the proper batting etc and can sit at the machine table.  Today, I've played around some with the Clover Yo-yo makers.  They are kind of fun but I need a larger one to go with the ones I made today. I have the Extra-small and the small, sure hope they have a medium! Or maybe even a large.

Think I'll find a movie to watch and do some cross stitch.

1 comment:

  1. Hope the dr visit went well. I don't think I could manage on crutches these days - too much co-ordination required! The electric cart sounds like fun. I have some of those yo-yo makers. There is a super quilt made from them that featured on the cover of an APQ magazine. I have some Japanese print fabrics I thought would work. It's on the to-do list.
