
Sunday, September 1, 2013

I'm feeling SO much better!

The meds have gone to work and I am feeling much better-only the knee is still an ongoing issue!
You know I'm feeling better because I'm cooking again! I made a "messy" dinner tonight.  Corn fritters and fried green tomatoes to go with our French Dip, the fritter recipe has hit the recycling!  Too much dough and too bland.  I've started cooking my way though a new cookbook:
So far I've made the Warm Arugula Salad with Chicken and Chevre-Very yummy! Even left over!  Will definitely make it again.

I also finished another quilt!
This is "See What you Started" for Larry's Mom.  The names of all her descendants are penned on it like this:
Although, most do not have birth and death years on it, but only their name.  Robin did a fantastic job quilting it, as usual!  This one has been in the works for several years and I am really glad it is finished! Now to pop it off to her on UPS!

1 comment:

  1. Delighted that read that you are feeling better. Hope something can be done about your pesky knee. I'm in a bit of a slump cooking wise despite having a 6ft stack of books. The quilt looks fantastic. Nice work!
