
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I love my office chair!

Surgery yesterday went well, I think, but the pain was incredible!  The cyst sat on the main nerve in my leg and hurt all up and down my leg, much worse that last time.  I told the kids that meant he hadn't messed it up which was a big concern! It got better about halfway through the night.  The best thing is--I thought to have Rob get my desk chair out of the office (narrow doorway) and I just roll around through the house!  So much better than the crutches which just jar things up good, and I am terrible at them so I'm always losing my balance.  At first I used the crutches to propel me along, sort a odd looking little boat begin poled along the water!  Now I just go backwards!  Works like a charm, just have to think outside the box sometimes.  Now I must go propel myself to the back door to stop my yapping dog!


  1. Glad your surgery went well Gail and an excellent idea using the chair. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  2. I do hope you will now have some relief. I can just imagine you tootling about the place in reverse *chuckle*. Happy Birthday Quinn! She's not a puppy anymore but does have quite a mischievous look about her.
