Sometimes I wonder why I write this thing!
This past month has been a bit challenging! I hurt? my left thumb in July and can not bend it! Do you know how hard it is to do even simple things without two opposable thumbs? Added to that it hurts! I've been to see my hand doc (Love Dr Elton!) , she x-rayed it and it's not broken. I have a large bone spur in the last joint and she thinks I broke off a bit and it's floating about causing mischief, so one cortisone shot (OUCH!) and I'm wearing a lovely splint! Looks like a cast, as to immobilize the thumb involves the hand and wrist. Makes for very interesting typing! The Splint kept adding spaces so I took it off. Haven't tried to sew yet, hum, that could provide me with an excuse for not picking up the needle!!!
I have an appointment with the knee doc on Monday, sigh. Really, I may just have to learn to live with it.
The mold count went sky high and my asthma kicked me in the hinney! Caused chest pain that made me think I was having a heart attack-nearly headed off to the Emergency Room one night before I thought to try my inhaler. One day I slept like 14 hours and just sat the rest of the day! New meds for that! The good thing about all this rest I got being so tired trying to breathe-my knee quit hurting for a while!
Lastly, in January my Primary Care Doc changed me from brand name thyroid meds to generic (my insurance doesn't cover it) and I've been feeling more and more tired as the months go on, plus the crankies moved in (which I hate), and I could not lose weight! Even though the numbers where good I went back on the brand name as many people just feel better on it-started it today will see how it goes.
I almost forgot, I had a cardiac stress test yesterday! Because of those chest pains. Will hear about that in the next week or two.
Things are getting better, I think, as I'm not waiting for approval for the specialists while in pain. Perhaps I'll find more things to blog about in the future?
Still have two quilts needing bindings! I did finish one of the pink ones but will wait to add a photo when the other is done as they are the same pattern. Those go off to Nora in California. Other than that I've been re-reading books, napping, etc and getting nothing done! The house is a wreck! I have peppers from the garden to freeze and a few tomatoes to do something with. I really must get my act together!!
Gosh! That's quite a few things to deal with. I'm sorry you have had to manage so many issues with your health. I hurt my right thumb a couple of weeks ago and I agree that it's impossible to do most things without one. Resting is something I'm becoming quite accomplished at - don't feel too guilty for having some quiet time even if it's medically induced.