
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A Garden Tour

It's been weeks and weeks since I showed you anything from the gardens.  I'm at the weed, water, repeat stage in the gardens, just hoping the heat doesn't get to things too much!  Today's actual temperature to be in the mid 90's with "feels like" temps over 100.   Now, just a few photos.
New water feature, since this was taken I've moved a few herb pots down to the right side.

Bush green beans beginning to flower

Green peppers-the plants look peeked but they have peppers

Arkansas Traveler tomatoes.  1 of 9 varieties I planted.

Cucumber blossoms

Peas and lettuce both about to lose to the heat!

Blue Larkspur and pink Foxglove

1 comment:

  1. You need to work hard to keep plants alive in that kind of heat. I like your water feature and little red wagon. Home grown tomatoes - yum! Sliced onto fresh buttered white bread with a little ground pepper.
