
Monday, May 13, 2013

A great day.

I had a fabulous Mother's Day!  I spent most of the day Saturday working in the yard but Mother's Day flowers arrived from Steve-such lovely pink and red roses, sigh.  I could just sit and look at them!  Then Sunday the Missouri family (that's everyone but Steve, Candice and Nora, 10 people and 4 dogs) came here for dinner.  Which I cooked.  Because I wanted to.  They offered and even had the menu worked out (steak and shrimp-or surf and turf as we like to call it.)  I made Mexican instead, because I rarely have the opportunity to cook a "real" meal these days and I like to cook. Anyway, I  received some lovely new beads for my Pandora bracelet and the best gift ever---two dirty, nasty ashtrays and a partial pack of Malboros!  Why would that be the best gift ever?  Because it means that Rob and Tanya have quit smoking!  I've said for years that the best gift they could give me was to quit smoking and this year they have!  I'm so proud of them, so very pleased I can't even express it!

I'm off to clean myself up.  I really hope the big push of yard work is finished by this weekend, but. . . I don't have a single full day at home until Saturday!  I'm a busy girl.  I did get the garden spot for the tomatoes and peppers tilled and planted tonight,  everyday I make progress I just can't see the light at the end of the tunnel yet!

1 comment:

  1. So glad that you had such a special Mother's Day. You deserve it!
