
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Suffer for fifteen minutes!

I'm trying to get better organized and get things finished this year so I have a couple of projects that will likely be on-going for this entire year!  I've used what Gretchen Rubin calls the "Suffer for 15 minutes" plan before and it really does work!  I just spend 15 minutes doing those things that look like such an immense undertaking that they will never be finished.  I have two for this year.  First, inputing all the books in the house on the computer-then adding them to dropbox so I can check the list when I'm out  preventing my purchasing a book more than once!  If you had any idea how many books I own you'd know why this seems an insurmountable task! Second, scanning all the photos onto the computer and then creating photo albums-I have them all organized, using the 15 minute plan, but no one looks at them in the boxes I'm hoping that changes if they are in books.  I need to buy a huge external storage device first!

I've begun the books and it's actually going better than I thought it would.  I'm using a spreadsheet instead of a database and just inputing in alphabetical order by author, I'll only list the author of multiple books once so when I get to Nora Roberts/J D Robb that should fly!  I've made different sheets for different catagories so it will be easy to locate the cookbooks section, or the fiction.  Perhaps I should add a column with a Y/N for "have I read it?"

Yesterday I put together Pink Scrap Quilt One and today I'll put Pink Scrap Quilt Two together, when they are ironed I'll post a photo.  Both will be waiting for borders until I find just what I'll looking for in fabric.

Very cold this morning and snowing a bit.  We didn't get any of the snow yesterday the guessers said we would and they didn't mention snow this morning!  Shows what they know.  


  1. Suffer for 15 Minutes sounds like a pretty good plan. These days I donate many of my books to the Book Fair at the Deaf & Blind Childrens School. Novels especially. So they didn't guess snow and yet they can *accurately* predict global warming twenty years from now. Looking forward to seeing pix of the pink quilts!

  2. That sounds like the best plan. I should start that with the epic photo sort I need to do.
