
Friday, January 18, 2013


I'm just back from my monthly BIG shopping, it used to be every other week but I'm up to once a month or less now.  I might not have gone today but we're having a family dinner on Sunday-Mexican was requested, of course-and there's quite a bit of stuff that best fresh for that.

I went to Walmart last night, big purchases there, 40 plastic chargers- 20 each in green and gold- for future holiday dinners.  At 29 cents each I didn't think I could go wrong!  Then, as I was nearby, I went to Joanns.  No real exciting purchases there, quilter's safety pins, basting spray, etc.

Today I hit one of the Quilt shops nearby looking for borders and backing for the pink quilts-no luck.  I didn't even find a fat quarter I wanted.

At Sam's Club besides the food, I got a new toaster as mine has decided it no longer wants to toast anything, not even on high, sigh.  I also bought this:
The final book in the Wheel of Time series.  I find myself oddly reluctant to begin reading it though.  It's the last one, when I'm finished I'll know how the story ends, there will be no more books.  After reading the books (this one makes 14) in this series for some 12 years I'm not sure I want to know what happens!  Never fear I'm sure this is only momentary!

1 comment:

  1. At least you remembered the basting spray! We have a quilt shop here that boasts over 3,000 fabrics. I frequently come out of there with nothing - especially if I'm trying to match or co-ordinate. You'd think with that many bolts you couldn't lose. My iron is on its last legs. I don't enjoy searching for a new one. Enjoy your novel, perhaps the ending will surprise you!
