
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Cross-stitch update

I haven't posted a cross-stitch update for quite a while.  In fact, the last photo I could find was this one from MARCH:
 Compared to this one I took tonight.
I should be much further, in fact I should be finished.  All those weeks of not picking up a needle really hurt!  I'll be working on it some more in a little bit.

Yesterday, Rob and Tanya came to borrow my food saver and brought me these!
Aren't they beautiful?  I am loved.


  1. Progress may be slow but you'll get there whereas my cross stitch project languishes at the back of the cupboard. The roses are such a stunning colour!

  2. You do so much better on your cross stitch projects than I. I said this before...I will be happy to send my your way;-)

    blessings, jill
    ps. thanks for everything...a proper thank you is on its way.
