
Thursday, October 25, 2012

On being an empty nester

I am new to the empty nest.  I am also a widow.  Those things combine to make me very busy!  I enjoy the time to myself, the freedom I have to do what I want, when I want.  That said, the downside to this is that there is no one but me to do a thing.  Anything.  Everything!  I am very busy and longing for a day to sew, sigh.

Among the things I am currently doing:
Volunteering two (soon to be three) afternoons a week at three different places (I do need to be around folks and feel useful!)

Preparing the yard and garden for winter.  Nearly finished with this one thank goodness!  Still have leaves to rake/mow for a few more weeks, bulbs to plant now that the high has dropped below 60F, some clean up to do and get "Hank" the snowthrower out.

Getting my truck ready for winter-haven't even started but it's a very short list.

Giving the basement room a facelift.  This won't really take all that long, just paint etc.  I just can't decide what to do with the floor as I don't want to look at the remains of black mastic for very long.  I'm picking up the pool table on Sunday and storing it in the garage until I decide about the floor and have the painting done.  I think there will be some pressure from the "boys" to get done so they can play!

Finishing the laundry room.  The walls have never been covered.  I'm adding a second stove and some counters in here as well as a few other projects.  This one will be more labor intensive that the big room--Oh No.

Fall deep cleaning of the house.

Stitching.  A couple of pretty small projects for others and the quilts in the pipeline.

No wonder I'm beat when It's time for bed!  No wonder I haven't the energy to blog!  I'll try and do better, for now I'm headed to the chair to watch the boob tube and stitch.  Blessed Be!

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