
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Catch up, Again.

I'm just home from visiting with this little imp!

Nora, opening her gifts!
She really likes the bows!

And her Momma and Daddy as well!  Nora turned three on the 14th, I can't believe how big she's getting (although compared to Kolby she's still a lightweight-thank goodness!)  As usual I brought rain with me to San Diego, which cooled things off and kept the crowds down!  We visited some of my favorite places-the San Diego Zoo's Wild Animal Park, and the beach.  I think the Wild animal park is the closest I will ever come to seeing rhinos, giraffes, etc in the wild as I doubt I'll ever make Africa!  This time we took a cart ride into the Asia exhibit, much better than the tram ride through Africa as we had only 10 people on the cart and a Zoologist for a guide.  Next time I'm paying the bucks for the truck ride into the exhibits-and I'll be sure my camera batteries are fully charged!  After Nora's party on Sunday, Steve and I took her to LaJolla Shores beach-I never feel like I've been to California unless I hit the beach at least once.

Now that I'm home it's back to work on the basement rooms and deep cleaning (everywhere I look is disgusting it's so filthy!)  My sewing room is the worst, and I still haven't turned on the machine.  I am working on some hexies and another English paper piecing project which is an experiment and a gift so no more on that!  I think I'll head back there now, put on a movie and do some stitching-Bri's sock is calling me.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a nice trip - I'm pretty sure one of Patricks friends has been to San Diego Zoo as he loves pandas. Let's have some photos of your hexies please :-) xx
