
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Hot, dry and smoke!

It continues to be very hot (in the triple digits most days) and very dry (no rain yet).  Add a strong wind and you have fire weather alerts to go along with the excessive heat warnings.  It should not have come as a surprise when a friend of Tanya's called to say they saw smoke from our neck of the woods.  She and I went to investigate (wish we'd taken the truck-hot out there).  There was quite a bit of smoke and the definite smell of wood burning the further we walked down the street.  Almost chocking at one point before we wised up and looked at the news on our cell phones!  News report is that there are at least three homes on fire in the subdivision across the road from us-I can hear the new helicopter over head now.  The many of the houses over there have wood roofs and when they go they really go! The fire department has called for extra crews so I'm sure they will have it under control soon.  I feel for the families though, it's tough getting over a fire.

1 comment:

  1. It's heartbreaking to read your latest news. Fire is so destructive and devastating. I hope there has been no loss of life. Please stay safe. ann :-)
