
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

1 Hour Housework

I'm trying a new idea.  I am only going to do one hour of housework a day.  Then some days, like today, I probably won't do any.  I think I can stand keeping house if I know that when the timer goes off I get to quit!  Anyway, I'm going to give it a whirl.

Quinn and I went for a long walk yesterday evening at a new, to us, place.  We walked for about 50 minutes (between 2 and 3 miles) on the Little Blue Trace.  A many miles long walking/biking trail along the little blue river.  We saw a deer and a great blue heron along the way.  I really love the herons-I might have mentioned that before-they are a study in patience.  We're headed back tonight, we have to drive to get there but it's worth it.

I did some much needed shopping today, groceries-as always, some plants which will go in the ground tomorrow, that sort of yucky shopping!  Then Tanya and I went to Brayden's Kindergarten graduation.  It was super cute and he smiled (in the past public performances have caused him such fright he's thrown up or looked like he was about to.)  He was officially promoted by the principal to First-grader!

All in all a good day.

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