I just realized that I have spent NO time writing 2012, I will really be in trouble if I have to write a check! Not that I write checks very often-use that debit card!
So Kolby was visiting again today-day care makes him stay home 48 hours. Again, he was just fine. A treat to have around today, as he was in an incredibly good mood. Laughing at everything and playing a hundred games of Ants in Your Pants with Tanya. Winning or losing he did it with glee!
He wanted to know where the sandbox was as it was 64F and he wanted to play. I empty the sand out every fall, clean the turtle sand box and store it for the winter then start with fresh sand. I may be buying that sand sooner than usual if winter remains this mild. (Oh, the bugs we'll have next summer without some killing freezes.)
I cleaned some more in the kitchen, including the dreaded refrigerator. I still have to sort out and inventory the freezer side but I don't have to remove shelves and drawers to clean it-thank goodness. One more day and I should have that room clean. Then it's on the the living room, after I take down and store Christmas (I shall miss it.)
I watched the last of the Harry Potter movies tonight, I must say it was a better than average adaptation of books to movies. A few sub-plots where omitted but otherwise very good. Don't think the boys should watch it for a while yet, though. I am hoping one of the grandkids really gets into Harry as Road Scholar has an intergenerational trip called Following the footsteps of Harry Potter, I would really like to take that one! Only some cross-stitching today while watching HP, maybe tomorrow more blocks will be made. I need to dig into the scraps for reds for the challenge-my scraps are big, maybe they aren't really scraps?
Kolby is a joy! They say children keep you young. Have fun with the freezer. I never got into the HP thing but the trip sounds like fun. ann :-)