
Friday, January 20, 2012

I've missed few.

Well, my intentions to write here each day sort of blew out the window this week!  For some reason, unknown to me, I have been extremely tired in the evenings this week.  Once after dinner play time with Quinn is over, I watch a little tube sans stitchery most nights, then go to bed early.  Like 8 or 9 pm early!  Then I sleep about 10 hours, get up wanting to take a nap.  I don't know why, I'm not sick or anything.  I think I will chalk it up to the hibernation concept, you know: winter-dark-cold-think I'll just sleep until it's over!  The past couple of days have been better and today I did some sewing on the red blocks after grocery shopping.  I also ordered myself a new iron!  I'm tired of the one I have as it doesn't produce much steam or even get very hot.  Bought a little fabric at Joann's today, some Kona in bone for the leader and ender project and a lovely green for a cushion on the piano bench. It's funny about Joann's, I went in for a 12 inch square ruler and came out with fabric, batting and the ruler!  I really try to stay away from that place!  Well, I'm tired so it's off to bed and read a bit before sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Not to worry. Much better to nap/sleep when you feel the need. Good luck with your new iron. Hope it meets your expectations this time. Those folks at JoAnn's sure know how to get you. ann :-)
