
Saturday, October 15, 2011

A rest day in San Diego

Yesterday, as Steve had to work, I did some shopping.  IKEA!  Man, how I wish we had one in Kansas City!  Bought what I needed for the kitchen and some things for playing with (toys) at home.  (It all fit in the back of the truck!  Yeah, I was worried I wouldn't be able to close the cover.  No problems though, plenty of space for other stuff still back there.) Hit the bookstore for Nora's Birthday gift-hitting another one today! Then I had an adventure in finding my way back to the hotel-sigh, I can find my way to places but I can't always get back to the hotel.  San Diego is a confusing city, good thing I have GPS or I might have ended up in LA!  Then I did the most exciting thing---laundry.  Steve came by after work and we did a little shopping together then met Candice and Nora for dinner--fun time all around!

Today, after Steve takes his Ham radio operators test and I hit the Hallmark Store we are taking Nora to the Zoo.  San Diego's Zoo is world famous and I love to go there (and to the wild animal park).  We will be riding more than usual but Steve's foot is still causing him quite a bit of pain and we don't want to over do it!

Sometime in there, I'll read/record Nora's new book and she will open her presents.  She was two yesterday, seems impossible.  I'll take the camera along today and try for some photos.

1 comment:

  1. We have a big IKEA store not afr away but I find the smeel overpowering. You can pick up some good buys though. Have fun at the zoo! Happy Birthday Nora! ann :-)
