
Thursday, September 29, 2011


We've had a very cool September, which I quite enjoy!  Have considered turning on the heat a couple of mornings already but managed to control myself.  Does my pocketbook good to have neither heat nor air conditioning running!  I noticed while driving to Columbia on Sunday, and more and more since then, that the trees are changing color, the soy beans have gone gold and some farmers have already picked their corn.  The great bowl of a sky has turned the hard and wonderful blue that I love so much-no humidity to soften that blue! I planted mums and asters in the front garden. Fall is my favorite time of the year.  Not yet cold but chilly in the morning and after dark-it so reminds me of my years in the Rocky Mountains.  Rob built a fire in the fire pit on Sunday and it was so lovely to sit around it, chat and watch the flames dance!

I hope to get to stitch again this week as I am cleaning out the extra room today.  I've finished all the painting (for now) and can sit in there at night and stitch.  Just can't seem to do it in my bed room.

My office is getting cleaned out today.  I took the quilt out of the frame and took it down a week or two ago.  The quilt isn't finished but I simply don't have room in there for the frame and I don't like using it so quoting Ann "I make up excuses" not to work on it.  My Mother's cousin, Betty, who was a wonderful quilter always just quilted without any frame so I'll do the same and use a table.  Planning to take it along on the trip to San Diego and work at night.  I always stop early, so the evenings can be long.  I have so many things to do before I go, re-up the plates on the truck, get an oil change, clean the house stem to stern etc, etc, etc!  Guess I'd best get to it.  When Rob gets up we are trimming the kitchen, and working in the yard.  It will be a good day!


  1. This is my favourite season too - I love it. There is a theory that depending on the time of year you're born - that's your fav. I was an October baby so there may be some truth in that. I too am holding out on switching on the heating - nothing wrong with a nice cosy dressing gown and woolly socks - lol xxx

  2. Autumn is indeed a wonderful season and I love the colours. We are having an unusual spring - cold and windy. Yes, yes I do keep making excuses - blogging now when I should be stitching! ann :-)
