
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Kitchen update, three

I know I'm a bit late with this update but some exciting stuff has happened (and I'm tired at the end of the day!).  First, on Saturday I painted the ceiling-boring but necessary.  On Sunday, I painted the walls!
Each time I loaded up the paint roller and swiped it onto the walls I did a little happy dance--I just love this color! When you look at that paint chip or even audition the colors on the wall as I did you are still never quite sure you will like it when you have it every where!  I do, I really do.

Yesterday, I did some of the nitty gritty odds and ends that keep turning up and cleaned house a bit getting ready for Thomas.  After dinner last night he installed this:
A new exhaust hood!  It has a very quiet motor (my number one priority) and four halogen spot lights, I can really see what I'm cooking now and boy is my stove top dirty!

Then he installed this:
a small ceiling fan over the actual kitchen area, I have one over the table but I actually think the cook (me) should be cool while she cooks, go figure.  I've touched up the paint around the top but it will need a medalion to cover a very bad looking spot where the old light was-Lowes here I come, again.
He and Rob also changed out the switches and outlets, now I don't see sparks when I plug in things and those things stay plugged in!  He will be back tomorrow to finish up- it seems the GFI outlets by the sink are troublesome.  Also, he will fix Larry's oops in the basement that led to outlets and lights that didn't work!

Today, I gave the wall behind the bench another coat of paint and painted between cabinets (it will get another backsplash but for now it just looks clean), touched up at the ceiling on one wall (more to go there), put on switch and outlet covers and new vent covers on the heating ducts.  Then I cleaned.  Well, I also put the first coat on the living room side of the openings.  Let me just say here that I should NEVER be allowed to do anything major with drywall!  Patches ok, dings, nicks, holes fine but NOTHING any more complicated than that!

Tomorrow it's more of the same!


  1. Having real problems with my email Gail - not sure if mine are being sent & aol keeps deleting them. Driving me nuts - lol ! Just wondering if there's any sign of my fabric- the seller was going to email me when it was sent but have heard nothing yet. Ooh the anticipation is killing me - hope you're well - the kitchen is coming on in leaps and bounds. Enjoy the rest of your weekend xxx

  2. You're right - it is a fabulous colour! It's such a great feeling when you have it done. I wish my exhaust fan was quieter - it sounds like Flight QF17 taking off. Ann :-)
