
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Kitchen Remodel Update

Here's where I am with the kitchen.  It's a big mess!  I have only two more sections of uppers to strip the red paint from, YEAH!!  All the doors and drawer fronts will be replaced so they don't get stripped.  I've pulled the trim from around the openings to the hall and living room as I plan to "wrap" those openings with drywall, giving a cleaner and more updated look.  I called an electrician to move a plug up the wall and fix the "oops" from hanging a curtain rod.  Caused a short which disabled two plugs and a light.  He was a no-show though.  Guess it's back to square one on that.  Tomorrow I'll do one more section of cabinets, wrap the openings,  and repair the many holes (both large and small)  in the drywall,  after I go buy drywall.  Will finish with stripping on Monday and begin sanding on Tuesday.   Next weekend I'll be a little further along, I hope.  At this rate it'll be Thanksgiving before I get done!

I'm adding a shelf in the extra room closet tomorrow as well.  I need to have more space for the boys' toys.  They've just been sitting in boxes and tubs in the room so having the closet arranged better will make that space more attractive!  That room is where I sit, stitch and watch the tube.

Along with demolition, etc today, I bought some sunflowers (fake) for the living room vase and did some computer work inputing data for my Town of Kansas Research.  Had a little rain early but the heat is back.  Ah well, summer in Missouri!


  1. You are quite remarkable Gail! A kitchen renovation is no picnic and while you have a mess now you'll enjoy it when it's finished. Ann :-)

  2. Drywall???? Gail you impress me!!! I saw the blue on the wall. If your going with blue you will love it. We started with red, then yellow, and were happy we settled on blue.

