
Thursday, May 19, 2011

It's raining, it's pouring, I'm thinking of snoring!

It is raining, started in earnest during the night sometime.  I woke at 6am and just laid in bed listening through the open window.  Then I got up, made the coffee and went to the gym.  WHAT? Went to the gym?  That's right, I've done something new, I've joined a fitness club.  I decided that just walking wasn't getting it done, mostly because I can't seem to be consistent-no dog to whine if I don't go.  I have lots of reasons for getting fit, I wrote them all down but I won't bore you with them, but perhaps the biggest is this:  I don't want to hurt myself just doing the things I like to do.  I've spent the last several months recovering from injuries I gave myself while gardening last year and I have more that I would like to do-without hurting myself or needing yet more shots of cortizone!  So everyday I'm off to 24 hour Fitness, beginning slowly.  Next week I'll meet with at personal trainer to set up a program then go from there.

Last night was Brayden's Preschool Graduation, he was adorable and scared silly!  He made it through just fine but we wondered if his tummy was going to hold!  While watching 20 or so 5 year olds sing, and jump around with enthusiasm it occured to me that by the time they were starting high school all that joy, that energy and enthusiasm would have gone cold.  That's sad.  We should all be more like them! I'm going to give it a whirl-you can laugh at the funny old lady if you wish.

I also made some little stitches on the quilt in the frame, it's slow going as I am not very fast (nor very good) at the hand quilting.  Sure hope I pick up speed as I go!

Lastly, I've finished all the cross stitches on Tanya's stocking!  I also began on the back stitching, a little. I'm excited to see this one coming to an end, then I can begin Bri's.  I would like to get that one done this year, and start Kolby's.  If I can just get them done faster than we add new people I may someday get caught up!

On the sewing note, I'm off to quilt and maybe get the machine humming as well.  I can only quilt until my finger bleeds!


  1. It had been raining here too. Two days of it and I'm so over the rain.

    Nice to see you finished the stocking. I'm serious...I can send you that eagle xstitch if your bored. I can't even remember the last time I worked on that poor thing.

    Hope your weekend is sunny.

    blessings, jilly

  2. Good for you Gail! You have such a positive attitude to life. Your fitness program will no doubt improve energy levels too. Congratulations Brayden on your graduation! I'm lucky to work aorund the under 13s every day and all that energy is infectious! Great finish on the stocking - it's looks so good. Enjoy the rain, it's such a terrific smell once it clears. Wishing you a pleasant weekend, Ann :-)
