
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Hum, what to label this post. . .potporri

I was awake at 6 am this morning.  (My body having FINALLY made the switch to Daylight Savings Time, praise be to the universe!  I know there are people who love DST but I personally think it was created just to make me miserable !)  I lay in bed listening to the wind roaring, very loud roaring, in the tops of the trees through my open window.  The night before I slept under three blankets and wished for my flannel sheets.  So goes the weather in Missouri (87 degrees today, 50 degrees tomorrow.)  I took my walk early, since I was up early and the heron was back in one of the little ponds along the way.  A sure sign of spring.  I think they've been back a week or so but I've just now seen one. 

Last week I spent two more days looking at materials for my research on the Town of Kansas, aka the project that ate my life.  One more area archive covered, I have no idea how many more to go.  Well I do but I'd have to add them up and that means getting stuff out and. . . you know how all that goes.  I am happy to be making progress on that front again-2008 and 2009 were years when little research was done and I'd like to finish the research this year so I can write it up next.

Speaking of projects which eat my life,  the See What You Started quit top is finished!  It's even sandwiched and ready for the frame, I have to put that together but that's next.  It looks pretty good in these photos, better than in person!  I had to move most of the furniture in my living room to get enough space to pin it and then fight with Simba, the cat, for possession of the backing and batting.  I don't know if you can see but some of the stars have names in the center- the names of her descendants.  I hope see likes it, actually I hope she puts it on her bed and doesn't look too closely at it!  Seriously, there are so many mistakes that no deity will ever be upset but I think I like it now that I can see what it really looks like!  It's the best I can do at this moment in time and that is good enough.  (I tend to think it has to be museum quality before it's good enough,sigh.)

I'm still raking acorns in the back, last week was a wash as it was cold and cloudy and I was still fighting DST!  I should have it finished this week and some new plants in.  Every day now I see more signs of life in the front garden.  I am anxious to see if all my new plants come up again!


  1. I dislike altering the clocks about too - it really messes my sleep patterns about for a while. Your quilt looks lovely - get cracking on the quilting woman - lol !

  2. I hate DST too!!! It is just to hard to get out of bed while it is still dark.

    I love your quilt!!! Looks good from San Diego hehehe.

    blessings, jilly
