
Saturday, March 12, 2011

I have been busy.

Today was a very busy day for me.  I'm trying to make changes in my life and my surroundings so I worked over my goals for 2011.  Broke them down into measurable parts and set an ambitious plan for the day in motion.  First, stretch and walk 3 miles, check.  Then rake the leaves, and the horrid acorns, out of the front flower beds for an hour, check.  Back inside after lunch I finished the last of the blocks seen here.
These are for a special quilt for my Mother-in-Law, hoping for a Mother's Day finish.  The block is called "Lone Star" and I never want to do it again.  I began it as hand piecing, I enjoy doing sampler quilts that way, I do not enjoy doing repetitive squares that way.  Finished up the blocks on the machine, don't like doing repetitive blocks that way either!  Guess I don't really like repetitive blocks, or at least not this one.  More pictures when the top is finished.

I also entered today's quota of recipes to Word, touched up the paint in the hall bath, replaced some tiles in there as well and stuck some down better.  After this I'm headed in to watch (or listen) to TV cross-stitch, or maybe a couple of other things first.

Simba wanted me to take his picture, he looks quite comfortable doesn't he?  My camera is taking a trip on Monday, not me just my camera, Rob and Tanya are going to Puerto Rico for a conference and asked to borrow it. So no more pictures until they get back! 


  1. What a shame you didn't like making those blocks - they are delightful! I really like them and they will make such a nice quilt. Simab is gorgeous. Ann :-)

  2. Your blocks look wonderful but I understand about the "not wanting to do again" part. I have many orphan blocks for the same reason.

    You had me laughing about the acorns. Did you know sellers sell them on etsy, well just the tops. Many make wool felted bottoms and need the tops. And you think they are horrid.

    blessings, jilly
