
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It's started.

The University called at 5AM to tell Rob they had canceled classes for today, really we've known this thing was coming for DAYS and they can't decide to close until 5AM?  I am glad they canceled and I'm glad they now call but the main campus in Columbia canceled last night what is wrong with UMKC!  Since I was awake anyway, I looked outside-no snow although things did look pretty shinny with ice.  When Kelsey got me back up at 6:30 to go out there was snow on the street but the walk was not yet covered (all that ice melt yesterday, I guess!)  When I got up for good at 7:30 things were covered but I could not actually see the snow falling, now it's coming down at a fair clip and already blowing about some.   We went to the grocery and Costco on Sunday so our larder is well stocked (I'll probably make bread tomorrow), I got the truck ready for storms in November ( I really should add a shovel), so I think today's plan is to hunker down in my office and sew.  Well, I'll probably work on the photos a bit and on my research but mostly it will be sewing!  The only times I'll go out are to take Tanya and pick her up.  Unless the mall decides to close-Ha-Ha! Lucas said the Lowe's stores can close because the Gov called a state of emergency, and the National Guard is on call, so maybe crass commercialism will not win over common sense today.  One can only  hope.

1 comment:

  1. We read about what is coming. Its hard to believe. Pray that all will be OK.

