
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Of Aunts and bread

Yesterday, I went to visit the youngest sister (and only living sibling) of my Grandmother.  At 92 she is still pretty active, uses a computer to email and chat with her grandchildren, play video slots and solitare, she follows the Kansas Jayhawks avidly, gets out to Walmart and the grocery store on her little cart.  I only hope that I am as able as she at 92.  We had a lovely visit.  I took out some photos that had been my Granna's, a few of which she had never seen.  I learned a bit about her parents, I knew the "facts" of their lives but not that her Father was a jokester for example.  That particular trait runs deep in my families! And continues on in my children.  Anyway, in honor of the visit and my Granna I made Ora Hickam's white bread today.  Granna taught me to make this and I have made it for years and years-I used to bake all the bread we ate.  Well, I'm nearly doing that again!
I put the hi-lighter in so you could see how high it rose.  This is what I expect bread to do, the other barely rose above the sides of the pan, best case.  This makes four loaves-so I have to give some away but that usually isn't a problem!  (Libby, you forgot yours!)

Working away at "disappearing" nine patches for Christmas gift bags, and a few other things. I've worked on photos-the 80's now, and some on the Town of Kansas research that ate my life.  My house is pretty clean so I can do other things guilt free!  All in all I'm pretty happy. Just to be able to say that is awesome!


  1. I know! I remembered on the way home. It better still be there on Monday!

  2. So good to hear you are happy. Many folks can't say that for many different reasons. Showed Mr. Wonderful all your photos of bread, and he asked where is our bread. Will try again this week, as last week was crazy.

    Saw your post about John Adams. I have been wanting to read Ben Franklin's autobiography. We watched the movies National Treasure and the things Ben Franklin did and invented have always amazed me.

    Funny, I am working on disappearing nine patches too. Found in a pile of half done stuff. Don't ask me why I started them and where they will end up, but they will get done.


  3. I am trying to shift a few pounds at the moment so to look at your lovely bread without adding the calories was a treat - lol ! Hope you're well xx
