
Sunday, December 19, 2010

It's Getting Close!

Another week bites the dust!  I've been busy baking, went back to mostly cookies this year instead of so much candy.  I think it's more traditional for me and also easier to store!  I still have a few things to make in the kitchen in order for it to "BE" Christmas. I nearly have my Christmas cards ready for the mail, should finish that and the letter then into the USPS tomorrow.  I have only two gifts yet to arrive from my best shopping friend and then a few to wrap.  All the prep is winding down, will clean house etc and work on Travel memory quilts each day plus the little extras.   The weather, while gray and gloomy, has turned much warmer.  Kelsey and I appreciate being able to walk in the park these days-without my wearing 6 layers of clothes that is!  I heard it might snow on Christmas Eve but any forecast for then is definitely going to change, beyond 48 hours it's really hopeless for accuracy.

If you noticed the tabs at the top of the page I'm trying to move the posts related to my trips to these pages.  Haven't quite got that figured out so be patient.  It's a wonder I figured out how to add the pages!

Really nothing exciting going on around here.  That's why no posts, I've nothing to say.  How odd.

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