
Sunday, September 12, 2010

The week just past

This will be a short update, unlike my usual novellas!  I haven't done much of anything on anything.  The gluten-free diet is going fine diet-wise, do you hear the "but"?  I began having intestinal issues on Wed. and am more fatigued.  I'll admit to feeling side-swiped by this, I didn't expect to feel improvement right away as it can take 6 months but no one warned me that I might feel worse.  I'm hoping it is gluten withdrawal and that I get better, again that "but", I don't know if I'll be able to hang in if on top of the difficulty of the diet I continue to feel like crap!  No sewing, no housecleaning, just pushing myself to do what I absolutely must.  This is my favorite time of the year and I'm getting ready for Ireland I hate feeling rotten.  (Well, who doesn't?) I feel pretty discouraged about it.  Perhaps my next update will be more upbeat?

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there Gail. It is quite normal to feel quite awful when you remove a toxin from your diet. Keep drinking plenty of water and eating lots of fresh veg and fruit.
    This yucky feeling will pass. Ann :-)
