
Saturday, July 17, 2010

Whatever Have I Been Doing?

I'm not sure I can answer that!

On the garden front, the edging is in on the west side and laid out on the east.  I've filled in some dirt behind the walls.  Took out some grass, etc.  (Wow, that doesn't seem like much.)  I can only spend about 2 hours a day, or less, out in the garden due to the extreme heat and humidity.  Actual heat in the 90's, heat indexes 105-110 F.  I think I'm breathing water sometimes.  I hope to finish the front gardens this week, maybe.

I've been cleaning and organizing my half of the garage for about a month.  Tossing out bent nails, rusted screws and tools that no longer work.  I have sorted all the nails, screws, bolts, etc and found homes (still need to make some labels) and re-organized the peg board,  I had this crazy notion that I should be able to reach the tools I might use!  This is a huge project but I am making progress--you can now walk between the door and the far wall, before you could walk about half-way.  I only work in there about 30-45 minutes a day, that's all the longer I can deal with it!

I decided this week to add another big project.  I hated the way my office/sewing room was set up so I've moved furniture around in there, brought the file cabinets in clearing up space in the extra room.  Began purging and organizing files--lots of shredding there, thought I'd burned up the machine for a little while!  Now I'm sorting through and tossing the school stuff I saved.  (Kids, I no longer have ALL your report cards!)  A couple more days and I'll have this project finished and actual research and sewing can be done!  Yeah!

I'm volunteering one afternoon a week at the Historical Society--computer input at the moment.  I'm hoping to add some other volunteer work in the future.

Mostly, I'm keeping cool.  Hope you can as well (or warm if you're 'down under'!)

1 comment:

  1. Wow Gail, that's plenty! What a good purge/clean out you are having. Very cathartic. I'm sure the historical society will appreciate your efforts. Ann :-)
