
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Finally finished!

The garden job I've been working on this month is finished! I had a personal deadline of being finished in July, just made it, whew. So from the top left. My garden on the east of the walkway, you can't see them well yet but there are carpet roses planted in front of the bushes, I'll probably add some more next year as it is not as full as I'd imagined. Next up is the top part of my west garden, and then the next lower garden. On the bottom row from the left, again, is next lower garden, the view of the center two areas from my bedroom window, and the view from the drive. I think it looks very nice and am already enjoying it. I know that I'll need to add more plants or move some around but in a couple of years when they are all full sized and lush it will look great. I had the tree guy out yesterday, he'll be taking out four trees (all large and not planted by me--two soft maples that are a disaster waiting to happen, a sweet gum that makes getting the trailer down the drive difficult and the sycamore in front that I am allergic to,) trimming the four oaks and removing the stumps. It will bring a BIG change to my yard.

Besides working outside in the sultry heat (I've decided to use "sultry" instead of the more common "humid, or sticky, etc" it makes me think of Tara and is more elegant, also it seems less nasty.) I've continued the purging and cleaning inside that I began with the office. So far I've done the kitchen, extra bedroom and the hall closet-which might have been the worst. Still have the living room, both baths and the front closet but it's looking good in here! I am nearly finished with what I can do in the garage as well, one or two more days maybe.

Worked on a couple of other long term projects and got out the Town of Kansas Stuff as well, even did a little sewing! I feel very productive, and righteous!
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1 comment:

  1. You should be very pleased with your hard work Gail. The garden is looking great! That was quite a big job you have tackled in less than favourable conditions. You'll certainly notice a change when those trees are gone. It sounds like you are on a roll with the inside too. Ann :-)
