
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

West Coast Vacation-Days Nine and Ten

I haven't posted in a couple of days, I've been resting-sort of. On Monday I babysat Nora all day, that girl is such a happy sweetie but boy is she strong-willed! I think they may have their hands full when she starts really motoring, which won't be long as she was practicing standing alone. She's so interested in everything and has such an expressive face it's fun to be with her. Poor Kelsey though, Nora really wanted to love up on her and Kelsey's just not sure about these small things that smell rather like people but make sudden unpredictable moves! Nora chased Kelsey from spot to spot until I had to put her in the pack and play. I was given the job of re-ordering the spice drawer, I love this kind of stuff, Candice is a really good cook so she has spices I never heard of. (I thought I had a pretty impressive collection until now!) It was interesting, she has THREE kinds of paprika, and uses them all. I didn't know there were three kinds of paprika! The things you learn. We had Greek food for lunch, again something new for me, and went to Arrividerci (sorry Beth) for dinner-they have great Italian food and it turns out I like Greek food.

I also learned the name of the tree with the pretty blue/purple blossoms on it-Jaccarunda, I have no idea of the spelling, Candice says it's messy and it won't grown in my area but it is in full bloom here and is gorgeous!

Yesterday, I set off to Quilt shop hop and run a couple of errands. Managed the Petco for more canned food (Kelsey hasn't been eating at all well-except for hamburgers etc from fast food places which isn't practical or good for her! She will eat canned food though, at 13 I'll happily feed her whatever she'll eat.) Then we hit Rosie's Calico Cupboard, I often go there when I'm here they have a huge selection, but I didn't buy anything. I was so tired I couldn't shop so we went back to the hotel had a peanut butter sandwich and crashed for two hours. Spent some time dealing with life details and began to pack up.

Today, I'm headed north. More later.

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