
Saturday, June 19, 2010

West Coast Vacation-Day Twenty

Up earlier than usual due to a crummie nights sleep, managed to check out earlier than I have on this trip! After breakfast I attempted to find the Lewis and Clark Interpretative Center in Great Falls, after driving up and down the interstate then following the one sign I saw after the highway I finally just gave up and started for Billings. I took a scenic route, I'm always sceptical of those words as I've been on some that are in no way scenic! Today's was quite scenic and cut several miles off the I-90 route Sam picked. Can you see me stick my tongue out? Lots of open spaces, some forested mountains complete with snow in the trees and some fabulous views of snow capped mountains, at one point I had snow caps on three sides of me! I saw lots of mule deer, in fact five of them made the nearly fatal decision to walk onto the road in front of my truck! The last was on I-90, he just sauntered across. A young buck who won't get any older if he keeps doing those kinds of things. I did manage not to hit any of them, I've seen what hitting one can do to a vehicle up close and personal. I have no intention of repeating the experience if I can avoid it! Lots of ground squirrels running across the roads as well. I saw something else I've never seen, I stopped to take some photos with the telephoto on my camera and I was panning the area when I noticed a large moving lump I upped the nearness factor and let's just say that there will be one more calf on the ranch soon!

I wanted to wait to eat until I got to Billings as there is a Cracker Barrel! I got here around 1:30 and ate. I'd been having trouble staying alert and was really tired, couldn't decide on the next leg of the journey so I just decided to stay here. I checked out some quilt shops but didn't buy anything-too tired to decide. Then we went back to the hotel and finished errands later-Kelsey's fan batteries had run out and we have hit hotter temps so I have to be more careful. After naps for both of us new batteries purchased, truck gassed up and ice in the cooler--we're ready for tomorrow. Still don't know which route to take, guess that's next!

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