
Friday, June 18, 2010

West Coast Vacation-Day Seventeen

Today, I spent at Jim and Joanne's on the lake in the quiet. I'll keep mentioning that because I kept mentioning it to them. Joanne and I have several things in common, we're both quilters for one thing, so it's not odd between us. Jim mostly talks, he has led an interesting life and has many stories to tell. We talk about children, Larry and our joint heritage. I keep getting mixed up with the generation thing, but as a family historian I have some information he wants to know and I talk to my Dad about other things. Dad and I have scheduled a long talk about his uncles and aunt-I will take my recorder so I don't miss anything. Jim has boxes of old papers and photos so there will be treasures there for me, later. Joanne is a terrific cook so they feed my well, enjoyed all the more since I've been eating out for so long! We take a drive around the country, which reminds me of Estes a lot (only quieter.) We are both curious as to the reason for the lack of campers, I have not seen the number of rigs on the highway that I expected either. It's nearly July, campgrounds should be full. Again, we talk until late (nearly 1) as I am leaving in the morning. Their sons and grandchildren are coming, and I'd like to stay but sometime I have to go home.

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