
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Getting ready....

I've been very busy getting ready for Christmas. Even though I scaled back on the baking and gift-making I am behind, sigh. I feel just slightly off kilter, and it seems like everything takes twice as long as it should! Today will be better, I hope. I only have one errand to run today, the bank. I have to go deposit the check I received for the Van (sold it yesterday) and get a new ATM card--there was weird internet activity on it so the bank called and we canceled it. It's nice to know someone is watching out for that stuff.

I took the boys to see Santa last evening when I picked them up from daycare. Which is exactly what we did, saw Santa. I took them to the Bass Pro shop as that's where Larry and I took Brayden last year and it was empty. Apparently, word had spread as the line to talk to Santa was about a half a block long! Brayden announced that he only wanted to see Santa not talk to him so we did! (I can get behind not waiting in line while holding a 24 lb Kolby! Silly me, didn't think to take the stroller.) They always set up a train, a remote controlled car, some coloring pages etc so we enjoyed those. Kolby was just all eyes taking in everything. After about an hour we headed off to the Cracker Barrel for some food (Brayden thought there might be a toy in it for him--he was right!) I had forgotten how much work it is to take little ones out to dinner! No wonder we ate at home! Well, aside from the fact that we were broke when ours were little. When we finished eating (and shopping) it was already time to take the boys home! It's work but it sure is fun!

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