
Monday, October 19, 2009

Where has the time gone?

Wow, I had not planned to let this much time pass before blogging again. Naughty me, really busy me. I can't remember what I did last Thursday (must have been exciting!) but on Friday I went to Columbia to visit my Mother in law as she'd had surgery on Thursday. I took her her favorite Krispy Kreme donuts to get her out of bed and moving, took my sister-in-law, Marie, an Apple Crisp as her birthday was last Monday and more donuts to the other Sister-in-Law, Kris (or maybe her husband, Owen .) On the way down I stopped off in Higginsville to check out the marker the cemetery placed on Larry's vault, I wasn't prepared to be kicked in the chest with grief again. It took a while to adjust and travel on. Some retail therapy at the local quilt shop helped, bought some flannel and a really neat book that has quilting information like how many rectangles you can get from 2 1/2 yards of fabric. It's just packed with practical information for quilters. I have to go buy another one for the Mother-in-Law. I rounded out the evening with dinner at an Indian place with Scott and Bri then drove home. I swear that 120 miles gets longer each and every time I drive it!

On Saturday, after delivering some things for my niece to take back to Columbia, I picked some things up at my Dad's. A couple of which will be the topic of forthcoming blogs--I need to take photos. Finally arriving back home I began the process of cleaning up the gardens and around the outside of the house for winter. Rob came out and we trimmed trees, I now have a huge pile of limbs to deal with--think I will soon be the owner of a chipper/shredder as this tree limb thing is ongoing and we aren't finished yet.

Sunday was spent clearing up tree limbs and gardens--blowing acorns out of the garden and grass. Just a small space and probably a bushel basket or more acorns! We could have used a shovel to move them. I don't like leaving them as they roll under your feet and have nearly caused me to fall a number of times while mowing. Not to mention the oak trees I'd have next spring!

Today, I did my normal Monday chores and made a run to the charity place to leave off more things we've deleted from the house and to the grocery. Then I picked up my grandboys. Brayden is showing signs of the bug that is going around so he was a bit cranky and didn't want to do anything but I don't think Kolby has ever laughed so much! He just looked at anything and laughed. Too cute.

Long post, will try for a show and tell tomorrow on at least one thing but now I'm tired, time for rest.

1 comment:

  1. Gail, you musn't worry. I haven't had time to catch up with everyone's blogs either. I don't know where this last week has gone. It's very sweet of you to look after eberyone the way you do.

    Your quilting book sounds good. Sometimes I see fabric without a project in mind and never know how much I shoudl buy.

    Ann :)
