
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Days Off and trip plans

For several years I have given myself a "Day Off." Since I am a homemaker/historian every day has work and my "Day Off" is no different I just don't plan any housework (except cooking) and allow myself to do what I want. Usually, I go to the library in the morning and perhaps some shopping for fun (not groceries etc). For the last two years anyway I didn't get to take may "days off" but it's a habit I want to get back into now that I'm getting things caught up. All that leads up to the fact that I took yesterday OFF, today too. I did some little chores to finish up the two rooms I've painted and ran some errands but mostly I've been lazy. I even took a nap yesterday and had a long rest today. I think I was getting really tired out again so I've taken some time for me.

Charley has joined Kelsey with back problems--silly dog went heels over head chasing a frisbee the other day! So now I carry two dogs up the stairs!

I'm leaving for San Diego on Nov 5th to hold my little granddaughter, Nora, for the first time. I've seen lots of pictures since she was born on the 12th but I haven't gotten to see her or hold her yet. That's what happens when you live so far apart! She will be three weeks old and I understand is gaining weight nicely. When she's older she won't want to gain weight nicely!

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