
Friday, October 9, 2009

After--Friday evening

First, here's a picture of the "Tiger's Lair," our collection of MU gear and tv spot. Next is a picture of my new sewing shelves. I still need to get a 4x8 sheet of foam and cover it with batting and flannel for a design wall, it will go in front of the shelves --hiding the clutter and letting me design. The last picture is of my research and sewing area, all squeezed together and alot of work piled up but I think I can work here again. First up, shorten some curtains for Beth! Then on through the pile. All in all I had a pretty productive week. I took five tubs of papers to recycling, hauled out 3 big black bags of trash and have a huge tub of shredding/burning to do. I still have some things I need to find homes for, some go to California or Columbia and some are to be donated or taken to hazardous waste. I'll get it all done eventually. Maybe tomorrow I'll have "Cat"urday photos.
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  1. what that needs is a BIG JAYHAWK.

  2. That's a serious workspace. I'd like a design wall but just don't have the space for one. Ann :)
