
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Saturday morning update

I'm just back from the hospital, he's doing as well as he can, I suppose. The pain in the liver area continues to increase, so more pain killers are required and they make him sleepy. There was some talk of him coming home as he has an "appointment" at 11:00am on Monday for the biopsy. (Perhaps my crankiness has paid off we shall see. ) However, the main internist wanted him to stay and even though I was not present I agree. They can manage the pain better there than we can here, his port will not have to be re-accessed (unless they keep him longer than Monday), he doesn't have to drive(well ride), wait etc. All around I think it's best. His temperature was down, blood sugar up. Sorry, but I can't get too churned up about the blood sugar thing as diabetes is not what is going to kill him. Too many other things to deal with. I'm taking him dinner later: bacon, egg, lettuce and tomato sandwich and a strawberry milk shake

I have tons to do but will work on the brown bear quilts as one is a gift for a soon to be born baby. I got one top mostly together yesterday so I'd like to finish it and the other then decide which top to quilt first. I'm going to give machine quilting a whirl, nothing more than stitch in the ditch just yet! Got back to my walks today, really felt good even though I missed the heron.

1 comment:

  1. I found them. For some reason they were not showing up on my computer. Tell him that we are thinking about him and to get better. I can't believe that they left him all day without that great food they make - think about what he missed!!! Columbia group..
