
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Doctors and other news

Yesterday, I went to the hand doctor for my carpal tunnel, she did a bunch of tests and said I had lost some sensation in the middle finger of my left hand making it unlikely that the non-invasive treatments would work. She gave me cortisone injections in both wrists and I got a brace for my right hand. I am scheduled for surgery on the left one Aug 25, it's arthroscopic and they only give me happy juice and a local so I'm not expecting it to be too bad. Only the second surgery of my life (if oral surgery and cosmetic surgery don't count!)

I altered the pattern top of the dress for the wedding (Yes, Bri, I will not be naked! Nor will I rent a tux, Scott!) Today, I will cut it out of muslin and sew it together to see if I got it right or if I need to do more work on it, then alter the skirt and sew it up. Tomorrow, I'm off to buy the real fabrics and the under garment I plan to wear. It's a fairly simple pattern so it shouldn't take me long to stitch it up, I'll post a photo when I'm done. I am focusing on sewing at the moment and waiting until after the wedding to paint. Still pulling those pesky weeds and although my tomatoes are loaded with the green ones they just are not ripening. Green beans are just coming on, a bit late. Also I have to spray my rose bush with safer's soap as small green bugs are eating it alive (or rather eating it dead!)

1 comment:

  1. All the mom's are having surgery after the wedding :( My mom cracked and a tooth and it's currently infected, but she's going to have do a root canal/crown after the wedding.
    I'm sorry you have to have surgery though!
    On a lighter note, I'm excited to see the dress :D
