
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

On the raod again!

We managed to carve out a couple of weeks between events to take a little trip in the trailer so we're headed to Lake Superior, the Wisconsin side this time. Tonight we're near Des Moines, so we had to make a run to Woodsmith, Larry's favorite store, and have dinner at Machine Shed, of course. Tomorrow we're heading up to Minneapolis where we plan to look at some different trailers, Larry would really like something a bit bigger and I have been intrigued by the Artic Fox trailers for quite a while. Then we'll head to Duluth. Along the way we'll look at anything we think sounds interesting, as well as quilt shops and dress shops (still hoping to find a ready made dress for the wedding.) If, however, one more thing goes whacky we may just turn around and head home!

Our summer is so busy this is the last chance we have until after Scott and Bri's wedding in August! I don't think I'll complain, it's nice to be busy and needed.

I have to tell a funny story. Last week, I looked out my very cool awning kitchen window at the trailer, parked as usual in the yard, and noticed a pink frisbee on the top. I asked everyone at the house if they knew how the frisbee got there and got the usual response of I don't know. Except Rob who said "ask your youngest. " So when Brayden was here on Monday I asked him. His response was immediate and sure "Uncle Scott threw it up there!" Humm, guess he told on Uncle Scott! Also, he told Scott that he looked like Uncle Steve! He has also said that he needed Uncle Steve to get down something that was up really high--guess he's already figured out what someone 6'10" is good for!

I am hobbling about for a few weeks, what the Doctor blew off as a neuroma in my foot last year turns out to be a strained joint in my second toe! It's splinted, must be kept immobile in sturdy shoes, and iced (I tried the dancers bucket of ice water tonight--oh wow, that hurt clear to my knee! It did work though, so I guess I'll be doing that again.) I hope this works or the immobiliztion will get more dramatic than this little splint and if left to it's own will develop into a hammertoe. Which sounds more painful than this strained joint!


  1. Oh Uncle Scott, always getting into trouble! :)


  2. He's starting to set a bad example for Brayden... I might have to have some words with him...
