
Saturday, June 27, 2009

At Kris and Owen's trailer camp

After driving straight for three days (with no internet in spite of the broadband card) we arrived here in Monroe City, Mo at Larry's sister and her husband's trailer camp. We've heard about it for a couple of years and have hoped and promised Kris that we'd come for a weekend etc. so we are here for tonight and tomorrow we are going on to Columbia and then home. Leaving the trailer here as we will be back on Wednesday or Thursday to celebrate the fourth, it's nice of them to let us leave it here as it is much easier to drive without it. Their camp is very nice, level (which can't be understated in my opinion) and very well thought out. I'm beginning to feel like I have the knowledge to have an opinion on campgrounds having been in so many lately! Owen has the grounds looking lovely and did I mention that the site is FLAT and LEVEL?

We drove through what seemed like the entire state of Wisconsin, north to south, and parts of Michigan, Illinois, Iowa and Missouri although not necessarily in that order! We stayed in a couple of campgrounds, the last one in WI was at Dodgeville and was on top of a hill, it was very lovely and quiet although not at all level. I really like the southwest corner of Wisconsin, rolling hills with a nice mix of trees and green fields. Very open, very tidy as well. I like states that are tidy which my own is not. I mean I don't like seeing neglected houses and barns falling in on themselves or cars and other trash about on the ground--makes me want to tell someone to "just clean it up!" or get busy cleaning it up myself! (I kind of like cleaning up big messes.)

We are learning better how to use "Samatha" the GPS but she still wants to go her way and gets cranky when we go another way (probably won't happen when we get better at programming her, Please God.) so I understand why some folks call her the "b---h!" Got a couple of blocks done on SWYS but have decided that I will finish that one on the machine--too repetative for me right now and I'd like to finish in this lifetime.

We heard this evening that Larry's mom is in the hospital in Columbia so we'll be stopping by on our way home tomorrow afternoon/evening. We have a lot of shuffling between truck and trailer to do first thing, to take what we need at home and leave what we'll need here.

There's a storm blowing in so I'm going to close this up and unplug etc for bed.

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