
Monday, May 4, 2009

Monday at the VA

We spent the biggest part of today at the VA seeing Doctors having tests etc. Larry right leg became swollen and red. Around the tiny open wound and from the foot to his knee. I didn't like the looks of it so I took him to Urgent care. Trips to Urgent Care are always long, wait-filled days and this one was no exception. We arrived at the hospital at 9:30am and returned home about 4:30 in between we saw the Urgent Care triage nurse, Blue clinic's triage nurse, had blood work, had an ultrasound, stopped at the Anti-coagulation clinic to check on Coumidin levels (too low) went to Compensation and Pension, Finally saw the Dr at 3pm, then went to Prostetics for compression sock, the Pharmacy Techs to set up Keflex, back to anti-coagulation to change meds(due to Keflex) then back to Comp and Pen for a review of his 100% status, then back to Pharmacy to collect his script. All that for a diagnosis of Cellulitis-he got a shot, the meds, and sock and is to keep his leg up alot. He has appointments next week on Tuesday, Wednsday and Thursday so it'll be checked over then, probably all three times. He continues to have memory like swiss cheese, once this cellulitis is under control then they investigate this recent loss of memory. I'll just keep talking to doctors until one of them does some investigation, it's possible that he's had some "mini" strokes or maybe he's just so preoccupied things don't register.

Needless to say, I accomplished nothing on my agenda for today. The rest of the week I have to play catch up and we are going to Nebraska furniture mart in the morning if Larry feels up to it. Then I will have to clear out the extra room. I do manage to keep busy!

I'm really looking forward to having all my children together on the 15th for Scott's Master's graduation!

1 comment:

  1. You need the patience of Job when dealing with hospitals but the staff are usually very good (and run off their feet). It makes for a long day though. Take care....Ann :)
