
Monday, April 6, 2009

Weird Austin, Monday Morning

Very chilly this morning, we had to have the heat in the night. This after 80 degrees or so on Saturday! Also windy again. The dogs have been sick so today I get to mop the trailer, after I go buy a mop (that's a chore I usually do at home.)

We had a lovely time yesterday. Spent about 3 hours at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library on the University of Texas Campus. Which is the only Presidential library that is free. I liked this library much better than the Eisenhower one in Kansas. He was a truly remarkable man who got 130 plus MAJOR pieces of legislation passed--Head Start, Student Loans, Environmental Acts, doubled the size of our National Parks System, Civil rights legislation, and on . . . . It's really too bad he inherited the Vietnam war (just as Obama inherited the Iraq and Afghanastan wars) as that seems to be what he is remembered for. I must get a biography to read or maybe his memoirs.

After the library we went to the Lady Bird Johnson (yep his First Lady and by the way her name was really Claudia--I always wondered) Wildflower Center. Lady Bird is another person whose biography I must read! I think in another few weeks it will be truly gorgeous, as it was we saw a huge number of Texas Blue Bonnets. The state flower of Texas, it is protected--no picking or digging up--and grows along side the highways. I think I will get some seed and see if it will compete with all the wild violets in the front yard as it seems to grow everywhere. Somewhat like a weed! I bought a new poster of Bluebonnets to frame and hang in our bathroom, it will be a big pop of color in that all white room!

We still have to go see the bat colony and I intend to visit a couple of quilt shops (they only have two!) Larry wants to hit the RV store for a couple of things--like tie downs for the new tv! I think I'll have to have a nap later as the dogs had me up in the night cleaning up after them! So far they haven't been sick since but I'm not letting them have food until I get to the market to get ground turkey to add to cooked rice! I occasionally wonder if they get sick just so they can have rice and turkey?!

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