
Monday, April 20, 2009

It's a Monday!

For some reason I stay on vacation for several days after we get home! On Friday I went grocery shopping but otherwise just messed about, watched TV etc until today. It was a rainy and dreary weekend-quite a typical Missouri spring-so I guess that counts for something. Today I began to get into the groove. Got the laundry washed, not all dry as it got too late to hang out the last load. (In the summer I try to only use the dryer for one load a week-that being towels, underwear and socks!) So tomorrow I have a few things to hang out but not much. I made some telephone calls, appointment for a replacement window estimate, questions answered on filling out insurance forms and selecting a new MD(urgh), and a Vet appointment for Kelsey. Ran some errands, got sand for the sandbox since Brayden's been asking for it, etc. Got out the sandbox and sand toys, hung the swing etc since I was picking him up at day care for our play evening. He is so glad to have spring come! He just runs and runs, wanting to spend every minute outside. Guess I need to get the deck cleaned up so we can eat out there at least on Mondays!

Tonight I went to a class on solar energy. Just an overview because I've been curious about it. It's a pretty big outlay but I expect at some point I'll want to do at least a bit of solar. The conservation part of it I can and will do now, a bit more seriously than I have to this point. I wish I knew how to get everyone else living here on board!

1 comment:

  1. My word you've been a busy bee but then there are always things to do about the place.

    Cheers...Ann :)
