We've arrived home from four days at Crowder State Park with Beth, Lucas and the Boys. Unfortunately, it rained--ALOT! We still had fun playing with Brayden on the play equipment, he asked later if his Daddy would play chase with him and "pretend" he couldn't catch him. Pretend is the word he chose, thought it was pretty cute that he knew his Dad could catch him but just didn't. Kolby is getting bigger, starting to smile, Brayden's a tiny bit jealous but not too bad. We came home to a lob-lolly in the back yard where the trailer gets parked but with the help of strategically placed left over boards we did get it in. It's a good thing too as it is thundering now and is to rain until next week, urgh! Rain is either feast or famine here! Wish I could save some for August.
We did a lot of reading, or Kindling for Larry, and I did some cross-stitch. On Monday we dodged raindrops and went into Jamesport to the Amish stores where I got some good raisin bread. Then yesterday we headed into Chillicothe just for something to do. Larry was fooling around (which is his favorite thing) and said that Bentonville had called to say that they would go out of business if we didn't get on in to Walmart! So we went to Walmart, only bought one book so I don't think we'll be keeping them from going under (see my tongue in my cheek!) Then we had lunch with the kids.
Larry said he liked the trips where we went out and saw things better than when we just sat around and read. Me too even loving to read as I do it gets old.
I have many blogs to catch up on and much email to read. Bye
So that's my wish for you, and all of us, and my wish for myself. Make New Mistakes. Make glorious, amazing mistakes. Make mistakes nobody's ever made before. Don't freeze, don't stop, don't worry that it isn't good enough, or it isn't perfect, whatever it is: art, or love, or work, or family or life. Whatever it is you're scared of doing, do it. Make your mistakes, next year and forever." Neil Gaiman
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Weekend catchup
Yesterday we watched the boys (that still seems odd to say and Kolby's 2 months old!) for a while. Brayden loves to play in the sand. Then Larry's sister, her husband and granddaughter joined us--Alayna and Brayden are fast friends who love to play together even thought they live 125 miles apart! Alayna's Mom came last and we all went to the Royals game. It was our first visit to the "K" since more renovations have been made, have to say I'm not crazy about some of them. I always thought the green space beyond the outfield with it's fountains was beautiful and elegant, now it's gone replaced by seating, activities etc all of which gave me the impression of a three ring circus! The fountains are still there but barely noticeable. I miss the days when one attended the game to actually watch baseball, not run around and eat, sigh. I must be getting old! Anyway with all the people going in and out of our row (around, over, in front of us--hello end seats due to Larry's long legs) and all the ones going up and down the steps it was hard to see home plate at times. I think you have better seats at home in front of the TV--that's what Larry always says about Football! Today I went shopping in preparation for our up coming camping trip. I was also looking for some clothes--I don't want to look like my mom or my daughter! Seems to make finding clothing impossible. I'll will have to order some things to get the classics I like. Enough grumbling!
I may not be able to post again until we get back on the 30th. The broadband card we had wasn't very useful so we returned in to try another provider and the new card hasn't yet arrived. Some of our state parks have wireless but I don't know if Crowder does yet. Hoping to get some stitching in, also hoping for good weather. Hope springs eternal!
I may not be able to post again until we get back on the 30th. The broadband card we had wasn't very useful so we returned in to try another provider and the new card hasn't yet arrived. Some of our state parks have wireless but I don't know if Crowder does yet. Hoping to get some stitching in, also hoping for good weather. Hope springs eternal!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

We've had a couple of busy days. Yesterday, Larry had an appointment at the VA with Ortho. They keep checking on the progress of the open wound where the wound vac was, it's mostly closed up but he's to go back until it is completely closed and no longer seeping. We are both SO tired of dealing with dressing changes on that leg, I don't understand why--we've only been doing it since last August! His next appointment in ortho is May 12. While there we got a printout of his upcoming appointments and he goes back for xrays, bloodwork and a visit with the oncologist May 28. We'd been wondering about that. I have some questions I hope he can answer. Also hope those little buggers(tumors) don't show up on xrays! (They have to be 2cm to show so that would mean growth and more chemo.)
Watched Kolby for a while, he is so laid back! Aunt Tanya watched him and played with him while the window guy was here.
We contracted for replacement windows and sliding doors for the house. It's a big investment but should help save energy and be a selling point--they are Anderson windows. This is one of three things we really need to get done this year on the house. Each year we do a little more but the place is 40 years old and there's a lot to do.
I took Kelsey to the Vet, she doesn't have the cancer in her bladder like Charley, but some kind of infection, so she gets two antibiotics twice a day for 10 days then once each day for 10 days and goes back on the 13th.
All in all it was a good day!
Monday, April 20, 2009
It's a Monday!
For some reason I stay on vacation for several days after we get home! On Friday I went grocery shopping but otherwise just messed about, watched TV etc until today. It was a rainy and dreary weekend-quite a typical Missouri spring-so I guess that counts for something. Today I began to get into the groove. Got the laundry washed, not all dry as it got too late to hang out the last load. (In the summer I try to only use the dryer for one load a week-that being towels, underwear and socks!) So tomorrow I have a few things to hang out but not much. I made some telephone calls, appointment for a replacement window estimate, questions answered on filling out insurance forms and selecting a new MD(urgh), and a Vet appointment for Kelsey. Ran some errands, got sand for the sandbox since Brayden's been asking for it, etc. Got out the sandbox and sand toys, hung the swing etc since I was picking him up at day care for our play evening. He is so glad to have spring come! He just runs and runs, wanting to spend every minute outside. Guess I need to get the deck cleaned up so we can eat out there at least on Mondays!
Tonight I went to a class on solar energy. Just an overview because I've been curious about it. It's a pretty big outlay but I expect at some point I'll want to do at least a bit of solar. The conservation part of it I can and will do now, a bit more seriously than I have to this point. I wish I knew how to get everyone else living here on board!
Tonight I went to a class on solar energy. Just an overview because I've been curious about it. It's a pretty big outlay but I expect at some point I'll want to do at least a bit of solar. The conservation part of it I can and will do now, a bit more seriously than I have to this point. I wish I knew how to get everyone else living here on board!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Home at last!
We made it home yesterday afternoon, backed the trailer down the drive and unloaded a bit before we just "gave out!" We had a wonderful time, stayed the last night at another lovely Arkansas State park called Devil's Den. We considered staying another night there but we were out of some essential groceries and several miles (like 20) from more, plus I was tired of dealing with the dogs in the small space of the trailer so we came on home.
Today I bought groceries for the house, although I need to do a good inventory so I won't have to go back soon. Lately, it seems I run to the store everyday. Which is a habit I've never had and don't want to establish! After Walmart, Costco and Price chopper as well as dealing with the putting away of all that stuff; I finished bringing in things from the trailer so I can clean it tomorrow. Oh yeah, I have to do laundry tomorrow too.
Beth brought the boys over to see us after school, I got the longest, strongest hug from Brayden I've ever had. I think he missed us! Kolby has already grown and gotten fatter, but he still sleeps all the time.
After dinner we loaded the van up with electronics to recycle tomorrow on the square in Independence. Guess I'll return some library books as well.
Traveling is exhausting. First you work hard to get ready, then you go and get tired and lastly you work hard to get things cleaned up and back to normal. If it wasn't so much fun I'd just stay home!
Today I bought groceries for the house, although I need to do a good inventory so I won't have to go back soon. Lately, it seems I run to the store everyday. Which is a habit I've never had and don't want to establish! After Walmart, Costco and Price chopper as well as dealing with the putting away of all that stuff; I finished bringing in things from the trailer so I can clean it tomorrow. Oh yeah, I have to do laundry tomorrow too.
Beth brought the boys over to see us after school, I got the longest, strongest hug from Brayden I've ever had. I think he missed us! Kolby has already grown and gotten fatter, but he still sleeps all the time.
After dinner we loaded the van up with electronics to recycle tomorrow on the square in Independence. Guess I'll return some library books as well.
Traveling is exhausting. First you work hard to get ready, then you go and get tired and lastly you work hard to get things cleaned up and back to normal. If it wasn't so much fun I'd just stay home!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Longhorns and Billy Bob's!
Today we went to the Fort Worth Historic Stockyards district. There are a lot of little shops with Texas souvenirs, places to eat etc and at 11:30 am and 4:00pm they "drive" a small herd of Longhorn Cattle down the street. Those poor things have so much horn I think they have trouble holding their heads up! It was interesting, especially in light of the fact that we saw some elsewhere behind warning signs about how contrary and dangerous they are! After we had BBq at Riscky's, it was good enough but not as good as either Arkansas or KC. At this point in our taste testing KC is still ahead. While at the stockyards we went to Billy Bob's Honky Tonk--the biggest honly tonk anywhere or so they say! It was pretty empty but I can imagine what it must be like full of people! There is a bull riding arena inside--not for fake bulls for the real ones! They also have the hand prints of many musicians who have performed there, mostly country music I think so I only recognized a few!
It was an interesting experience, very cold as it is windy today and was cloudy then. Also we had checked the weather and weren't expecting the chill so we didn't dress accordingly!
After that I went shopping at Cabbage Rose Quilt shop, Larry stayed in the truck and "Kindled." I bought fabric again! Some Civil War fat quarters for my 1st Saturday quilt and the green I'd been seeking for my Civil War Letters quilt. I'm not doing it in Civil War fabrics but in a Blue, Green and Cream color scheme. I like the Civil War fabric but I don't think I want overkill!
We are back at the trailer, Larry's napping. The dogs must be getting tired of being left, they ate the remains of a bag of tortilla chips and chewed up one of Larry's loafers! Think that was Kelsey--she's in the dog house!
We have one more day here then we are headed for home! It has been nice to see Gloria and Cyril again. We had dinner with them Saturday and then went to his sister's house for Easter dinner. Got to see her gorgeous grandbabies!
It was an interesting experience, very cold as it is windy today and was cloudy then. Also we had checked the weather and weren't expecting the chill so we didn't dress accordingly!
After that I went shopping at Cabbage Rose Quilt shop, Larry stayed in the truck and "Kindled." I bought fabric again! Some Civil War fat quarters for my 1st Saturday quilt and the green I'd been seeking for my Civil War Letters quilt. I'm not doing it in Civil War fabrics but in a Blue, Green and Cream color scheme. I like the Civil War fabric but I don't think I want overkill!
We are back at the trailer, Larry's napping. The dogs must be getting tired of being left, they ate the remains of a bag of tortilla chips and chewed up one of Larry's loafers! Think that was Kelsey--she's in the dog house!
We have one more day here then we are headed for home! It has been nice to see Gloria and Cyril again. We had dinner with them Saturday and then went to his sister's house for Easter dinner. Got to see her gorgeous grandbabies!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Saturday, Dallas
Well, we are no longer naked! The laundry is done and I had a nice chat with Gloria while doing it as she dropped in at the laundromat, she happened to be shopping nearby when I called her! We are getting together later for Barbeque. Otherwise, this has be a rest day, tomorrow as well most likely. Then on Monday we're going to go see some things--think we are going to Billy Bob's Honky Tonk. Going to hit some quilt shops as well, maybe I'll buy some more fabric! Larry has been looking for a pair of cowboy boots ever since we got to Texas so maybe he'll find some then.
Friday, April 10, 2009
This will be a short post, I hope! We packed up and left Fredericksburg about 9 this morning--that's really early for us but we are getting faster at the whole process. We arrived about 3:30 pm driving a little less than 300 miles to Arlington, in the Dallas/Ft Worth metro. The wind was awful for part of the trip and I doubt I'd have been able to keep truck and trailer on the highway so Larry drove all the way. He's tired, me too. We'll be here 5 nights before we head on up Interstate 35 to Home. I don't know exactly what we'll be doing except I plan to visit some quilt shops, and my former roomie from college, Gloria. Also, I have to do laundry tomorrow cause one more day and we're naked!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Fredericksburg, TX day two
We had a very busy day today, I got so tired I wished for another day here! It's such a neat little town whose original settlers were Germans--a tourist trap my Dad would say, but not so much as Branson etc. We began the day with fresh strawberries so how could anything go wrong? Started out back at Johnson City at part of the Johnson National Historic site, this is the farm of his grandfather. There were several really neat buildings, some longhorn cattle, chickens(chooks to the Aussies) running about loose and a really amazing live oak tree it's roots partly out of the ground and branches laying gracefully on the ground, very old I think. We took pictures, of course, when we get home and Larry downloads the digital and I get my prints back I'll post some of the best ones. After that we went to the Second part of the LBJ National Historic Park, his ranch (the Texas White House.) They have a nice driving tour around the park with a cd telling about everything, music playing (LBJ liked "Rain Drops Keep Falling on my Head",) LBJ, Lady Bird and others telling stories etc. They give tours of the inside of the house, and the dairy barn etc but we opted out as Larry can only walk so much.
Then we went to the Wildflower farm, a commercial garden center where I would be completely overwhelmed if I shopped for plants! I did buy some seeds for the hill in back though.
We stopped back at the trailer for lunch, to turn OFF the coffeepot (I'm really spoiled by one that turns itself off at home) and to turn the air conditioner ON! It was quite hot, I am not ready for summer heat--oh, who am I kidding I'm never ready for summer heat! Then we went to The National Museum of the Pacific War. It turns out that Admiral Nimitz was born here in Fredericksburg. It was a beautifully done museum complete with a Japanese mini-sub, a B-29, and a camp as on one of the islands--complete with rats! I think every possible facet of the war in the pacific from Pearl Harbor on was covered. They are adding on more space too! Definitely, worth a trip here just for that!
You'd think that all that would be enough for one day but we read about an abandoned RR tunnel that was the summer home of MILLIONS of bats and after the disapointment in Austin we decided to drive to it and watch them fly at dusk. The park folks told us not to expect too much as it's early in the year so the bats are not all here yet and they don't always come out until after dark. We were sitting on bleachers waiting for the time they'd flow last night when they began POURING out of the tunnel. Thousands, I'm sure. They poured out of the tunnel grouped up and flew away in huge masses. It was amazing, truely amazing.
So, it's a long post for a busy day. Tomorrow we're off for Dallas/Fort Worth.
Then we went to the Wildflower farm, a commercial garden center where I would be completely overwhelmed if I shopped for plants! I did buy some seeds for the hill in back though.
We stopped back at the trailer for lunch, to turn OFF the coffeepot (I'm really spoiled by one that turns itself off at home) and to turn the air conditioner ON! It was quite hot, I am not ready for summer heat--oh, who am I kidding I'm never ready for summer heat! Then we went to The National Museum of the Pacific War. It turns out that Admiral Nimitz was born here in Fredericksburg. It was a beautifully done museum complete with a Japanese mini-sub, a B-29, and a camp as on one of the islands--complete with rats! I think every possible facet of the war in the pacific from Pearl Harbor on was covered. They are adding on more space too! Definitely, worth a trip here just for that!
You'd think that all that would be enough for one day but we read about an abandoned RR tunnel that was the summer home of MILLIONS of bats and after the disapointment in Austin we decided to drive to it and watch them fly at dusk. The park folks told us not to expect too much as it's early in the year so the bats are not all here yet and they don't always come out until after dark. We were sitting on bleachers waiting for the time they'd flow last night when they began POURING out of the tunnel. Thousands, I'm sure. They poured out of the tunnel grouped up and flew away in huge masses. It was amazing, truely amazing.
So, it's a long post for a busy day. Tomorrow we're off for Dallas/Fort Worth.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
German food!
We arrived here in Federicksburg, TX about 1:30 pm and set up our little home away from home, got the pups settled in and went to town for Snitzel! I don't think that's spelled correctly but the food was pretty good and we had Black Forest Torte for dessert so it was a hit! Then I got to visit a really nice Quilt shop and actually bought some fabric. Most of the time I don't buy fabric unless I have a project in mind, well that and the fact that I am overwhelmed by all the fabrics and the choices are too hard to make (I have the same problem in a bookstore or garden center!)
Tomorrow we are heading out fairly early (on this trip early has meant 10ish) back to Johnson City for the LBJ National site, then to the state site at his ranch. Then it's to the Wildflower farm, so I can buy some seeds (or plants) for the hill in the back, I figure if I seed it to wildflowers and plant some daffodils I might not have to mow! Then, we're going to a museum here on WWII in the pacific. I think I'll like that one as my Dad served in the Phillipines. Somewhere in there we'll have lunch/supper and return for rest!
Tomorrow we are heading out fairly early (on this trip early has meant 10ish) back to Johnson City for the LBJ National site, then to the state site at his ranch. Then it's to the Wildflower farm, so I can buy some seeds (or plants) for the hill in the back, I figure if I seed it to wildflowers and plant some daffodils I might not have to mow! Then, we're going to a museum here on WWII in the pacific. I think I'll like that one as my Dad served in the Phillipines. Somewhere in there we'll have lunch/supper and return for rest!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Weird Austin, Tuesday Evening
Today has been a day of "not quite." We drove to Buda, TX to visit a trailer parts store (need tie downs for the new tv and better wheel chocks) and to visit a Quilt shop. Found tie downs and couldn't figure out how they'd work on a flat panel, hummmm. The quilt shop was closed. We did locate a Border's Bookstore, I've finished all the books I brought along so I needed more. Larry is of course still Kindling, he found another book to order though. Also found Target etc. and a really good Tex-mex place to eat lunch. Then we tried to see the bats--Austin has one of the largest urban bat colonies around under the Congress Street bridge and we drove all around that bridge and couldn't find a place to park! So No bats. Bummer.
The trailer is clean, again, and ready to go tomorrow. We've had a couple of days of rest and relaxation which we needed. I even did some cross-stitch yesterday, more tonight I think.
Tomorrow we're off to Fredericksburg via Johnson City--more LBJ sites and a little german town, Larry's hoping for snitzel!
The trailer is clean, again, and ready to go tomorrow. We've had a couple of days of rest and relaxation which we needed. I even did some cross-stitch yesterday, more tonight I think.
Tomorrow we're off to Fredericksburg via Johnson City--more LBJ sites and a little german town, Larry's hoping for snitzel!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Weird Austin, Monday Morning
Very chilly this morning, we had to have the heat in the night. This after 80 degrees or so on Saturday! Also windy again. The dogs have been sick so today I get to mop the trailer, after I go buy a mop (that's a chore I usually do at home.)
We had a lovely time yesterday. Spent about 3 hours at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library on the University of Texas Campus. Which is the only Presidential library that is free. I liked this library much better than the Eisenhower one in Kansas. He was a truly remarkable man who got 130 plus MAJOR pieces of legislation passed--Head Start, Student Loans, Environmental Acts, doubled the size of our National Parks System, Civil rights legislation, and on . . . . It's really too bad he inherited the Vietnam war (just as Obama inherited the Iraq and Afghanastan wars) as that seems to be what he is remembered for. I must get a biography to read or maybe his memoirs.
After the library we went to the Lady Bird Johnson (yep his First Lady and by the way her name was really Claudia--I always wondered) Wildflower Center. Lady Bird is another person whose biography I must read! I think in another few weeks it will be truly gorgeous, as it was we saw a huge number of Texas Blue Bonnets. The state flower of Texas, it is protected--no picking or digging up--and grows along side the highways. I think I will get some seed and see if it will compete with all the wild violets in the front yard as it seems to grow everywhere. Somewhat like a weed! I bought a new poster of Bluebonnets to frame and hang in our bathroom, it will be a big pop of color in that all white room!
We still have to go see the bat colony and I intend to visit a couple of quilt shops (they only have two!) Larry wants to hit the RV store for a couple of things--like tie downs for the new tv! I think I'll have to have a nap later as the dogs had me up in the night cleaning up after them! So far they haven't been sick since but I'm not letting them have food until I get to the market to get ground turkey to add to cooked rice! I occasionally wonder if they get sick just so they can have rice and turkey?!
We had a lovely time yesterday. Spent about 3 hours at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library on the University of Texas Campus. Which is the only Presidential library that is free. I liked this library much better than the Eisenhower one in Kansas. He was a truly remarkable man who got 130 plus MAJOR pieces of legislation passed--Head Start, Student Loans, Environmental Acts, doubled the size of our National Parks System, Civil rights legislation, and on . . . . It's really too bad he inherited the Vietnam war (just as Obama inherited the Iraq and Afghanastan wars) as that seems to be what he is remembered for. I must get a biography to read or maybe his memoirs.
After the library we went to the Lady Bird Johnson (yep his First Lady and by the way her name was really Claudia--I always wondered) Wildflower Center. Lady Bird is another person whose biography I must read! I think in another few weeks it will be truly gorgeous, as it was we saw a huge number of Texas Blue Bonnets. The state flower of Texas, it is protected--no picking or digging up--and grows along side the highways. I think I will get some seed and see if it will compete with all the wild violets in the front yard as it seems to grow everywhere. Somewhat like a weed! I bought a new poster of Bluebonnets to frame and hang in our bathroom, it will be a big pop of color in that all white room!
We still have to go see the bat colony and I intend to visit a couple of quilt shops (they only have two!) Larry wants to hit the RV store for a couple of things--like tie downs for the new tv! I think I'll have to have a nap later as the dogs had me up in the night cleaning up after them! So far they haven't been sick since but I'm not letting them have food until I get to the market to get ground turkey to add to cooked rice! I occasionally wonder if they get sick just so they can have rice and turkey?!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Sunday Morning in "Weird" Austin
I have no idea why but they are wearing T-shirts here saying "Keep Austin Weird" so weid Austin it is! We arrived here on Friday night about 7pm starved and exhausted, having decided it was too much driving to go to South Padre. Austin has a lot of things to see and do so we plan to stay until Wednesday. We had Steak when we got here at the Texas Land and Cattle Co--I have to say it equals "Outback." We have to try some BBQ down here as well, we had some in Hot Springs at McClard's (famous as Bill Clinton likes it, among others. We had ribs (1lb of them) and they were very tender, didn't like the beans or slaw very well.) Anyway, we are comparing BBQ this trip.
Yesterday, we hung around the trailer. That sounds relaxing but in truth I cleaned and reorganized the trailer--we bring entirely too much stuff! Then did laundry, cooked, and we went to Best Buy and bought a new TV for the trailer, all you kids can laugh now! That meant that I had to come back and find a place to put the old TV so more re-arranging of trailer! Larry had to fuss a lot getting the TV set up, finish hooking up the trailer after I ran out some of the fresh water, etc.
Today, we are going to the Johnson Presidental Library and possibly the Wildflower museum if weather and time permits.
I haven't touched a needle since we left home and am feeling withdrawal! Hope to visit some quilt stores before we leave.
We have good signal strength here so I'll try for daily updates.
Yesterday, we hung around the trailer. That sounds relaxing but in truth I cleaned and reorganized the trailer--we bring entirely too much stuff! Then did laundry, cooked, and we went to Best Buy and bought a new TV for the trailer, all you kids can laugh now! That meant that I had to come back and find a place to put the old TV so more re-arranging of trailer! Larry had to fuss a lot getting the TV set up, finish hooking up the trailer after I ran out some of the fresh water, etc.
Today, we are going to the Johnson Presidental Library and possibly the Wildflower museum if weather and time permits.
I haven't touched a needle since we left home and am feeling withdrawal! Hope to visit some quilt stores before we leave.
We have good signal strength here so I'll try for daily updates.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
No reply
Would someone please tell me how to fix it so you can reply if I comment? I thought I had but I guess not.
Thursday, Marshall Texas
My last post was interrupted in upload so you only got to see the title! I hope this one goes better. We left Ft Smith Arkansas and drove on a very hilly scenic route to Hot Springs Arkansas were we stayed in the nicest State Park I have ever seen for two days. I have to say that I have NEVER seen more churches than in Arkansas! Larry said they must schedule services staggered so people can attend all the churches they belong too! I think that's the reason Arkansas has been historically so poor, they have to support all those churches! (That was very tongue in cheek, by the way.) We went to the National Park and did some other messing around, then left today for Texas. Rained in Arkansas then the wind picked up (to about 50 miles and hour) it was a head wind until we turned south. This traveling in the trailer has a few glitches to be worked out as does the broadband card! (No towers, no internet!) We are only staying in this private park one night as it isn't as nice as it sounded in the add, we tried to find the State park here and finally did but decided we wanted a park were we could use the internet and cell phones, we don't like being so out of touch! Tomorrow we're headed south, not sure exactly where to yet, getting tired and cranky! I'm having alot of trouble reading maps in the car, the middle is somewhat blurry from the cataracts and bumping all around, so I have headaches. I can tell you one of the first things I'm doing when I get home is schedule a Doctor's appointment to deal with all this stuff!!
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