
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Vic the Vac update

Larry had an appointment with the good Dr Duncan in orthopedics this morning bright and early. We hoped that Vic the Vac would be history BUT he's still with us. That was our choice, really, the alternative was to pack the hole twice a day, at least the wound vac only gets changed every other day and is self-contained (non-leaking!) Go back in a month unless I can no longer keep a sponge in it then sooner. Messes with our travel schedule I can tell you! We don't want to fly anywhere until Vic is gone and the wound completely healed, besides having to explain it to security it would take a whole suitcase just for all the stuff we'd need! We are thinking of taking the trailer out right after his birthday.

Brayden stayed with us while Beth, Lucas and Kolby were in the hospital. I love that kid! I had forgotten how tiring it is to have a 3 year old around all the time especially when the kid talks ALL the time! Reminded me of Steve and Scott--the older kids often asked Scott to be quiet for just 5 minutes he talked so much, he could never quite make it! Lucky for me Brayden doesn't talk in his sleep! He was a good boy all around, enjoyed playing with the toys at our house went to bed well and slept well, but I am still tired!

I didn't get much sewing or cross-stitching done last week so no updates. I have only one more set of handles to sew on the denim bags and they will be finished, I meant to do it on Friday but Kolby decided to arrive so it still hasn't been done. Maybe today! That would mean two posts in one day!

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