Well, we figured out how to get the trailer's slide in manually (not easy) and Larry took it to the dealership this morning where we got more discouraging news. The maker of our trailer is owned by another company and it has filed for bankruptcy (guess the bail out money didn't hit the travel trailer business!) Getting parts will be slow if possible. We haven't heard what the problem is but it's probably the little motor that runs it, if so that would require a part. So, we wait. And we don't go out in the camper. And we have given up the notion of a new trailer, so we wait. I just don't think we're supposed to be gone at this time. Also, we had to put "Vic" the vac back on Larry's leg as the hole in his leg had gotten bigger again plus there was a little swelling.
On a happier note, I finished the top of the patches quilt, went out and bought the backing etc for it. I'll post a photo after it's ironed and pinned, as well as a cross-stitch update.
The nice weather has been pulling me outside to uncover the flower beds, I just can't wait any longer! Soon it will be planting time again. First, I have to deal with all those leaves again!
Congrats to the Mizou ...though we were proud to see so many big 12 in the tournament. Our family has 3 alums from different big 12's. Oklahoma State and Texas A and M are in it too. Our other son went to LSU and the Professor is at Mississippi state...so lots of rooting for teams. Sorry about the trailer...so frustrating.Thanks for the visit...I'll be back to check on yours soon.