So that's my wish for you, and all of us, and my wish for myself. Make New Mistakes. Make glorious, amazing mistakes. Make mistakes nobody's ever made before. Don't freeze, don't stop, don't worry that it isn't good enough, or it isn't perfect, whatever it is: art, or love, or work, or family or life. Whatever it is you're scared of doing, do it. Make your mistakes, next year and forever." Neil Gaiman
Monday, March 30, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
At Last! We see Arkansas!
Who would think that I could get excited about visiting Arkansas? Not me, but mostly I'm excited about getting away from home at last. We are parked at the KOA in Alma, AR for tonight and tomorrow, that's near Ft Smith, we plan to shake down the trailer packing and then check out some things in Ft Smith tomorrow. Had thought about just hanging out at the trailer, sitting outside and reading etc, but we were greeted by about 20 very tame ducks! It was quite humorous to watch them hurry across the field to get to our site! Obviously, campers feed them. Some are Mallards and one has a funny top knot, they are so tame I think they'd come in the trailer! It's all quite charming for a while----but every time you go out the door they come on the run and I am not feeding them, the dogs keep them back some but the ducks seem to know the length of the tie outs! I'll take some photos tomorrow. I think they will be a nusiance if we want to sit out. It is some warmer here though and the trees are much greener, always nice to see at the end of winter--especially when there was snow on the ground at home.
We're off!
Apparently, we heading out. Wont' be for another couple of hours, have to finish loading up etc. Heading South!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Saturday, no snow so far!
Well, it's raining buckets but so far there has been no snow here. Still in the forecast, 2-6 inches depending on where in the metro you are. (I knew that 16 inches was baloney!) Cold though. Scot and Bri headed home from San Diego yesterday and decided to re-route thru Dallas as I-44 had a foot of snow or more in places! They will be back in Columbia tomorrow, latest as classes start up again. If no snow develops and the roads to the south are clear, we're heading out tomorrow. I think I've said that a whole bunch of times this month! I actually have the trailer ready to go out, only have some laundry, etc to get done plus the dogs need a bath. Hate to take stinky dogs in the truck! I'll still be checking email and blogging as Larry got a data card for the laptops, as long as we have Sprint signal we have internet! He will be happier not having to find a place with wi-fi.
I've been doing some cross-stitch, making flannel squares and working at dressing Kolby's bear. I won't be able to finish the bear before we leave as I don't have the emblishments for it yet. I'll have some hand work that I can do while we're out, along with all the other hand work I've already packed! I enjoy sitting around doing next to nothing for short periods of time and I always take more than I can possibly do or read but I really don't want to run out of things to do! I'd especially like to get Brayden's stocking finished and a number of blocks for See What You Started pieced, I think I will do those first then other things.
Our Missouri Tigers have won themselves a place in the elite eight of March madness, the Kansas Jayhawks lost yesterday (sorry Steve.) So that's leaves Mizzou and Oklahoma from the Big 12 in the tournament, Mizzou plays today, Oklahoma tomorrow. I hope we can beat UCon but it'll be a toughie--also hope UNC beats the pants off Oklahoma (one of the teams we love to hate!)
Well, enough playing around! Have some laundry and house work to do before we go. So-o-o-o, I'll just get to it.
I've been doing some cross-stitch, making flannel squares and working at dressing Kolby's bear. I won't be able to finish the bear before we leave as I don't have the emblishments for it yet. I'll have some hand work that I can do while we're out, along with all the other hand work I've already packed! I enjoy sitting around doing next to nothing for short periods of time and I always take more than I can possibly do or read but I really don't want to run out of things to do! I'd especially like to get Brayden's stocking finished and a number of blocks for See What You Started pieced, I think I will do those first then other things.
Our Missouri Tigers have won themselves a place in the elite eight of March madness, the Kansas Jayhawks lost yesterday (sorry Steve.) So that's leaves Mizzou and Oklahoma from the Big 12 in the tournament, Mizzou plays today, Oklahoma tomorrow. I hope we can beat UCon but it'll be a toughie--also hope UNC beats the pants off Oklahoma (one of the teams we love to hate!)
Well, enough playing around! Have some laundry and house work to do before we go. So-o-o-o, I'll just get to it.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Another delay, another finish
We were all set to head out tomorrow morning when we heard a weather report--a major snow storm headed our way (I never should have put up the snow thrower!) It seems that each way we had thought to go will be under the same weather so we are once again staying home, we finally got everything done we were waiting on--wound vac off Larry's leg, Charlie's meds, Larry's meds, trailer working and ready to go, and lastly the door on the frig replaced and all the damaged doors gone from the entry. (Making the living room look much larger!) I even went to the grocery store and had loaded the trailer, except for clothes etc! I've heard that's it's possible we could get 16 inches! We never get 16 inches and certainly not this late in March, tornados yes, 16 inches of snow, no. Anyway, we are waiting for this to pass and hope to leave sometime early next week.
I finshed sewing down the binding on the Travel Memories quilt today so I have one more finish for March. Who knew that blogging would motivate me to finish so many things? It's a wonder!
I finshed sewing down the binding on the Travel Memories quilt today so I have one more finish for March. Who knew that blogging would motivate me to finish so many things? It's a wonder!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Hmmm, Tuesday
The highlight of my day was watching Kolby for a while then taking him and his mom out to lunch. Libby and I hardly ever have the chance to just eat out and visit and I really enjoy it. I'm trying to take the opportunity when it shows up. I had a lot of house work to do, but guess what? It's still here!
Did get some work done, took the recycling up to the school before we drowned in it, went to Costco and attempted some paper work.
Not much sewing going on, just a bit of binding on the travel quilt. I may get a little more done yet tonight. Hope so.
Did get some work done, took the recycling up to the school before we drowned in it, went to Costco and attempted some paper work.
Not much sewing going on, just a bit of binding on the travel quilt. I may get a little more done yet tonight. Hope so.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Travel Memories quilt
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Signs of Spring
All around are signs of spring, like this dandy-lion. My neighbors will be putting out the pre-emergent and spraying for them but I don't do chemicals and I kind of like them--so cheerful!
The buds on the lilac bush are swelling more each day and showing more color, it think it's going to be a good year for them. The bleeding hearts, hollyhocks, tansy, and pinks are up. The daffodils are tulips are up and the daffodils are blooming--it must be spring!
So-o-o-0, I put the snow thrower away. Gulp, if it snows in Missouri again this winter I'm to blame!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Cross- Stitch report

I've decided that I shall never get this done on Monday! I should have known better anyway as Brayden is here on Wednesday--I don't get much sewing done but alot of books read, puzzles put together and playing done! I'll try for once a week at some time. I have gotten some work done on this as well as the patch quilt. I'm tying it tonight, will sew on the patches tomorrow and maybe the binding, we'll see. I was going to include a photo of it but it seems unstable when it's off the table and I'd have to move it upstairs for the pic. Perhaps tomorrow!
The Trailer came home today, a minor problem so as soon as the refrig door and the supplies for the leg vac arrive we'll hit the road. Not going anywhere near as far as we'd planned--a little skittish about the slide yet!
Goodies in the mail!
For some reason I can't seem to get the link thing to work--Ann's blog is on my sidebar!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Trailer update
Well, we figured out how to get the trailer's slide in manually (not easy) and Larry took it to the dealership this morning where we got more discouraging news. The maker of our trailer is owned by another company and it has filed for bankruptcy (guess the bail out money didn't hit the travel trailer business!) Getting parts will be slow if possible. We haven't heard what the problem is but it's probably the little motor that runs it, if so that would require a part. So, we wait. And we don't go out in the camper. And we have given up the notion of a new trailer, so we wait. I just don't think we're supposed to be gone at this time. Also, we had to put "Vic" the vac back on Larry's leg as the hole in his leg had gotten bigger again plus there was a little swelling.
On a happier note, I finished the top of the patches quilt, went out and bought the backing etc for it. I'll post a photo after it's ironed and pinned, as well as a cross-stitch update.
The nice weather has been pulling me outside to uncover the flower beds, I just can't wait any longer! Soon it will be planting time again. First, I have to deal with all those leaves again!
On a happier note, I finished the top of the patches quilt, went out and bought the backing etc for it. I'll post a photo after it's ironed and pinned, as well as a cross-stitch update.
The nice weather has been pulling me outside to uncover the flower beds, I just can't wait any longer! Soon it will be planting time again. First, I have to deal with all those leaves again!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
I forgot! Our Missouri Tigers basketball team won the Big 12 tournament! Go Tigers! NCAA bound!! MIZ ZOU!!!
Sunday evening update
How do you figure out what to call these?
We have been busy since Friday, had Larry's Mom, Sister and family here on Saturday while we were watching the "boys" (that's Brayden and Kolby!) Had a nice visit with them before they left for a birthday celebration for Larry's Mom. Scott and Bri where also in for the weekend and Larry's birthday dinner. Had a very full table on Saturday and again today, all our kids (excepting the CA boy and his wife) plus Chad and Kelly longtime friends of Rob. We need a bigger house! We have 11 without any extras if all the children are here,and as everyone wants a seat at the "bigs" table--no one wants to miss out on the fun--we are constantly trying to figure out a reasonable way to extend the length of our 6 foot table! Larry received a Kindle book reader--he's such a gadget guy! Well, truthfully, I couldn't think of anything else. He seems pleased, it allows him to increase the size of the print without the abridging of a large print book. I hope he enjoys it.
We have four pets at our house, 2 tabby cats and 2 shetland sheepdogs, all are getting on in years. You know when you bring home that puppy or kitten that one day a Vet is going to say that your pet is very ill, dying in fact, and we got that news last week. Our sheltie, Charley, has bladder cancer. He is on medication which may slow the tumor and which will certainly help his arthritis but it will not cure him. Of couse, no one has any idea how long he has (why does that sound familiar?) but I am of the mind that until he can no longer chase a frisbee or a tennis ball he's staying with us. I am especially close to the dogs (hey, dog person--Larry's the cat magnet) so I had some trouble with it. Felt a bit sucker punched--I mean really, it isn't enough that I have a terminally ill husband, I have to have a terminally ill dog as well? SO some tears have been shed and will be shed in the future but at the moment he seems somewhat better and is having less trouble getting up those pesky stairs! Kelsey, the other sheltie, and the cats, Simba and Mika, seem to be healthy. I did tell Larry that he and Charley absolutely could not die in the same year! I was only partly kidding!
I did get some sewing done this afternoon on the patch quilt. I was very careful lining up the blocks so they would look the way I wanted and the first three went together well, and the last have been a total mess and have been taken apart and resewn so not too much progress.
We keep saying we're leaving town in the camper this week and things just keep popping up! First it was Vic the Vac on Larry's leg, but we had to take it off yesterday as I couldn't get a sponge in large enough to keep it open, just a bandage (this is good news--freedom for Larry!) Then it's Ricky Refrigerator's new door, when delivered the freezer door had a rub mark on it so Lowe's ordered us a new door which arrived last week UPS, damaged worse than the original!
So now we are waiting for another door (and have a boxed up door in the entry.) We are also waiting on Charley's meds-had to be formulated for his weight--which should arrive in the next few days. Tonight Larry and I went out to hitch up the trailer, planning to take it tomorrow to have it dewinterized, and the slide won't come in! Doesn't even try, and I just put it out last week to clean the trailer! I don't think we're going to make it out of town this week! I think we'd better follow my old theory here--if it's hard, it isn't meant to be!
This has been a long post, sorry, and no pictures even!
We have been busy since Friday, had Larry's Mom, Sister and family here on Saturday while we were watching the "boys" (that's Brayden and Kolby!) Had a nice visit with them before they left for a birthday celebration for Larry's Mom. Scott and Bri where also in for the weekend and Larry's birthday dinner. Had a very full table on Saturday and again today, all our kids (excepting the CA boy and his wife) plus Chad and Kelly longtime friends of Rob. We need a bigger house! We have 11 without any extras if all the children are here,and as everyone wants a seat at the "bigs" table--no one wants to miss out on the fun--we are constantly trying to figure out a reasonable way to extend the length of our 6 foot table! Larry received a Kindle book reader--he's such a gadget guy! Well, truthfully, I couldn't think of anything else. He seems pleased, it allows him to increase the size of the print without the abridging of a large print book. I hope he enjoys it.
We have four pets at our house, 2 tabby cats and 2 shetland sheepdogs, all are getting on in years. You know when you bring home that puppy or kitten that one day a Vet is going to say that your pet is very ill, dying in fact, and we got that news last week. Our sheltie, Charley, has bladder cancer. He is on medication which may slow the tumor and which will certainly help his arthritis but it will not cure him. Of couse, no one has any idea how long he has (why does that sound familiar?) but I am of the mind that until he can no longer chase a frisbee or a tennis ball he's staying with us. I am especially close to the dogs (hey, dog person--Larry's the cat magnet) so I had some trouble with it. Felt a bit sucker punched--I mean really, it isn't enough that I have a terminally ill husband, I have to have a terminally ill dog as well? SO some tears have been shed and will be shed in the future but at the moment he seems somewhat better and is having less trouble getting up those pesky stairs! Kelsey, the other sheltie, and the cats, Simba and Mika, seem to be healthy. I did tell Larry that he and Charley absolutely could not die in the same year! I was only partly kidding!
I did get some sewing done this afternoon on the patch quilt. I was very careful lining up the blocks so they would look the way I wanted and the first three went together well, and the last have been a total mess and have been taken apart and resewn so not too much progress.
We keep saying we're leaving town in the camper this week and things just keep popping up! First it was Vic the Vac on Larry's leg, but we had to take it off yesterday as I couldn't get a sponge in large enough to keep it open, just a bandage (this is good news--freedom for Larry!) Then it's Ricky Refrigerator's new door, when delivered the freezer door had a rub mark on it so Lowe's ordered us a new door which arrived last week UPS, damaged worse than the original!
So now we are waiting for another door (and have a boxed up door in the entry.) We are also waiting on Charley's meds-had to be formulated for his weight--which should arrive in the next few days. Tonight Larry and I went out to hitch up the trailer, planning to take it tomorrow to have it dewinterized, and the slide won't come in! Doesn't even try, and I just put it out last week to clean the trailer! I don't think we're going to make it out of town this week! I think we'd better follow my old theory here--if it's hard, it isn't meant to be!
This has been a long post, sorry, and no pictures even!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Happy Birthday, Larry!
Today is my hubby, Larry's, 60th birthday! We're not celebrating until Sunday but today is the actual day. Instead of celebrating we drove to Whiteman Air Force Base and picked up new ID cards, mine had expired and his needed to be changed to retired for pay. Found out some stuff on the healthcare we are now entitled to, shopped at the commisary and the exchange. Had lunch, or rather breakfast, and came home. It'll be a quiet day from here out.
Last night we went to the New Theatre Resturant for supper and to see "Hats; a Comedy with Music" courtesy of Larry's sister, Kris. She treated us with tickets at Christmas and we are just now going. Had a Ball, laughed so hard, I'm still smiling today! We so needed the laughter. So, thank you Kris and Owen! If anyone has the chance to see Hats it's worth it! A very funny show about women of a "certain age" (over 50) and the Red Hat Society. I am now not having hot flashes having "power surges!" Even Larry would recommend it.
"Vic the Vac" is going to have to come off first of next week, the hole is tiny and Vic is slurping alot, not much to vac up. I can only say, "It's about time!" 8 Aug 2008 the tumor was removed and the hole it left behind is just now about to close completely and that took two more surgeries. Larry is growing stronger each day, he now routinely stays up past 8pm and gets up before 8am! Plus, he doesn't usually take a nap! I told him to be really quiet if he started getting up at 5:30am again, I seriously do not want to get up before 6:30!
I plan to sew some more four patches into strips tonight, will post photos later, and do some cross-stitch as well while watching TV. Numbers is on tonight. I would like to get the trip patch quilt finished before we head out late next week. I can't consider it finished until I've sewn on the patches we've already collected!
Last night we went to the New Theatre Resturant for supper and to see "Hats; a Comedy with Music" courtesy of Larry's sister, Kris. She treated us with tickets at Christmas and we are just now going. Had a Ball, laughed so hard, I'm still smiling today! We so needed the laughter. So, thank you Kris and Owen! If anyone has the chance to see Hats it's worth it! A very funny show about women of a "certain age" (over 50) and the Red Hat Society. I am now not having hot flashes having "power surges!" Even Larry would recommend it.
"Vic the Vac" is going to have to come off first of next week, the hole is tiny and Vic is slurping alot, not much to vac up. I can only say, "It's about time!" 8 Aug 2008 the tumor was removed and the hole it left behind is just now about to close completely and that took two more surgeries. Larry is growing stronger each day, he now routinely stays up past 8pm and gets up before 8am! Plus, he doesn't usually take a nap! I told him to be really quiet if he started getting up at 5:30am again, I seriously do not want to get up before 6:30!
I plan to sew some more four patches into strips tonight, will post photos later, and do some cross-stitch as well while watching TV. Numbers is on tonight. I would like to get the trip patch quilt finished before we head out late next week. I can't consider it finished until I've sewn on the patches we've already collected!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Monday cross-stitch
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Larry's puzzle
Larry finished this 3,000 piece jigsaw puzzle last night. He received it for Christmas and has been working on it ever since. It is very dark, I would have given up after about a week and put it back in the box but he kept at it! Today he started a 2,000 piece of the Las Vegas Strip at night! Keeps him occupied!
I hemmed some pants for Dad and am getting ready to sew a little before I get out the cross stitch. Tomorrow is update night and I don't know if I've even done any!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Not much going on here. I cleaned the trailer this morning, taking advantage of the warm weather. It hadn't been cleaned after our last outing in 2008 as it went directly to the dealership for winterizing and repair, then we didn't get it back forever making it too cold to work in until now. It's not yet ready to go out but it goes on Tuesday to be de-winterized etc and when it comes back I'll put the linens etc away and get ready to go. Heading south soon, well we'll take a shake-down cruise for a couple of days first in case something is not right. Thought we'd go to Surprise for a spring training game but I don't know as we'll make it that far--Larry has an appointment on April 7 with Vic the Vac unless we need to go sooner and I don't want to rush home towing the trailer!
More trailer work at the sewing machine lengthening the sides of the screen room. It needs to be longer when we put it on the can weights, which we always do since most handicapped sites have cement or blacktop and it would blow away also Larry doesn't hit his head. I still need to finish one side and do the wind screen as well. It doesn't take long though. When I finish that I have some pants to hem for my Dad then maybe I can have fun! Want to get the first part of the patches quilt assembled so I can start the four-patches tomorrow. I really have to clean my area, again and do some other stuff too, bummer.
I repotted some plants that were victims of hooking up the icemaker at the new spot, completely uprooted an enormous aloe vera. Now I have four, not sure where to put them and they are still outside.
Beth, Lucas, Braden and Kolby were here for dinner last night. We had fun, Kolby slept most of the time, apparently he's a champ at that! It's amazing how much he looks like Brayden did and how grown up Brayden seems now. Guess I'd better quit stalling and get to work!
More trailer work at the sewing machine lengthening the sides of the screen room. It needs to be longer when we put it on the can weights, which we always do since most handicapped sites have cement or blacktop and it would blow away also Larry doesn't hit his head. I still need to finish one side and do the wind screen as well. It doesn't take long though. When I finish that I have some pants to hem for my Dad then maybe I can have fun! Want to get the first part of the patches quilt assembled so I can start the four-patches tomorrow. I really have to clean my area, again and do some other stuff too, bummer.
I repotted some plants that were victims of hooking up the icemaker at the new spot, completely uprooted an enormous aloe vera. Now I have four, not sure where to put them and they are still outside.
Beth, Lucas, Braden and Kolby were here for dinner last night. We had fun, Kolby slept most of the time, apparently he's a champ at that! It's amazing how much he looks like Brayden did and how grown up Brayden seems now. Guess I'd better quit stalling and get to work!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
I won a giveaway!
I won a giveaway hosted by Ann at A Good Yarn! I've only entered a few giveaways so it's especially wonderful that I won! Equally wonderful was seeing my blog listed in Ann's blog list! She lives in Australia so I have a world-wide following! (See me here rolling on the floor with laughter!!!) Thank you Ann, you made my day!
Larry and I went out looking at trailers/fifth wheels again today, sigh. Didn't really find anything we totally adore, a couple that were close or maybe's. Thinking on it.
Wonderfully warm today, pretty windy but a nice relief from the cold. I know it won't last and I'm okay with the unsettled nature of Missouri in the spring! Can't really imagine the weather Steve has in San Diego--totally wonderful all the time, totally boring. I like a good spring thunderstorm. Lightening is awesome! Of Course, when a tornado, microburst etc come with it that's not so cool.
I cut out and began sewing the pieces of flannel for a travel quilt. When Larry and I visit a new place we like to collect patches but didn't know what to do with them so I thought I'd make a simple flannel quilt to sew them on. It's navy, hunter green and chocolate brown as those are the colors I use for accents in the trailer, I'll back it in fleece and tie it then sew on the patches as we collect them. Have about 20 already. It will be a fun reminder of all the places we've been together.
Went shopping yesterday, got some absolutely wonderful inserts for my shoes that keep my neuroma from hurting--thank you Lucas for telling us about them! Then I did other shopping and attempted to find the quilt shops in Lee's Summit--no luck. I did get a piece of orange for Larry's Agent Orange block and some project boxes.
I'd like to get some sewing done so I'm off!
Larry and I went out looking at trailers/fifth wheels again today, sigh. Didn't really find anything we totally adore, a couple that were close or maybe's. Thinking on it.
Wonderfully warm today, pretty windy but a nice relief from the cold. I know it won't last and I'm okay with the unsettled nature of Missouri in the spring! Can't really imagine the weather Steve has in San Diego--totally wonderful all the time, totally boring. I like a good spring thunderstorm. Lightening is awesome! Of Course, when a tornado, microburst etc come with it that's not so cool.
I cut out and began sewing the pieces of flannel for a travel quilt. When Larry and I visit a new place we like to collect patches but didn't know what to do with them so I thought I'd make a simple flannel quilt to sew them on. It's navy, hunter green and chocolate brown as those are the colors I use for accents in the trailer, I'll back it in fleece and tie it then sew on the patches as we collect them. Have about 20 already. It will be a fun reminder of all the places we've been together.
Went shopping yesterday, got some absolutely wonderful inserts for my shoes that keep my neuroma from hurting--thank you Lucas for telling us about them! Then I did other shopping and attempted to find the quilt shops in Lee's Summit--no luck. I did get a piece of orange for Larry's Agent Orange block and some project boxes.
I'd like to get some sewing done so I'm off!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Denim bags finished
Whoo-hoo! The denim bags are done! Finished number 6 this afternoon. They aren't my best work but they are sturdy and totally made from recycled denim (old jeans) and fabric that was given to me and that I otherwise would never use. They will never wear out andwill hold a large amount of food, etc. I'm satisfied! Well, estatic to cross them off the list actually!
Vic the Vac update
Larry had an appointment with the good Dr Duncan in orthopedics this morning bright and early. We hoped that Vic the Vac would be history BUT he's still with us. That was our choice, really, the alternative was to pack the hole twice a day, at least the wound vac only gets changed every other day and is self-contained (non-leaking!) Go back in a month unless I can no longer keep a sponge in it then sooner. Messes with our travel schedule I can tell you! We don't want to fly anywhere until Vic is gone and the wound completely healed, besides having to explain it to security it would take a whole suitcase just for all the stuff we'd need! We are thinking of taking the trailer out right after his birthday.
Brayden stayed with us while Beth, Lucas and Kolby were in the hospital. I love that kid! I had forgotten how tiring it is to have a 3 year old around all the time especially when the kid talks ALL the time! Reminded me of Steve and Scott--the older kids often asked Scott to be quiet for just 5 minutes he talked so much, he could never quite make it! Lucky for me Brayden doesn't talk in his sleep! He was a good boy all around, enjoyed playing with the toys at our house went to bed well and slept well, but I am still tired!
I didn't get much sewing or cross-stitching done last week so no updates. I have only one more set of handles to sew on the denim bags and they will be finished, I meant to do it on Friday but Kolby decided to arrive so it still hasn't been done. Maybe today! That would mean two posts in one day!
Brayden stayed with us while Beth, Lucas and Kolby were in the hospital. I love that kid! I had forgotten how tiring it is to have a 3 year old around all the time especially when the kid talks ALL the time! Reminded me of Steve and Scott--the older kids often asked Scott to be quiet for just 5 minutes he talked so much, he could never quite make it! Lucky for me Brayden doesn't talk in his sleep! He was a good boy all around, enjoyed playing with the toys at our house went to bed well and slept well, but I am still tired!
I didn't get much sewing or cross-stitching done last week so no updates. I have only one more set of handles to sew on the denim bags and they will be finished, I meant to do it on Friday but Kolby decided to arrive so it still hasn't been done. Maybe today! That would mean two posts in one day!
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