
Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday, no quilting update

I know I promised to show my quilting work for the week but, gee whiz, I already showed Brayden's quilt! I have been working on my denim shopping bags (they are quilted!) but there isn't much to show as they just look like a fat wad of denim at the moment. These bags have been on my to do list for four years so they qualify as a WISP. Anyway, I'll be setting down to the tv and hand work in a few moments.

Larry and I went to the RV show this afternoon, kind of looking for a new trailer/fifth wheel. Only saw four that the truck will pull that we even remotely liked so I guess we'll be out in the Trail Cruiser again this summer. That's not so bad, actually it's good as it means I'm not spending any more money!! We will just adjust our trips around the weather more than we have in the past.

Looking forward (Sort of) to hearing the results of his next CT scan on the 23rd as that will give us a better picture of what is happening in his lungs. Since the Chemo isn't expected to work in the long term, seeing if the tumors have grown just a little or a great lot will give us a more workable timetable. As the Doctors have said 6-12 months of life left, we'd like to know where in that spectrum he falls. We have a really busy year of big events ahead and he wants to be there at them all! The rest of us just want to keep him!

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