Dr. Allen's first words were: "These cat scans are really interesting." To which I replied, I don't want to hear that! Larry has a large pocket of infection in the leg at the site where the tumor was removed and the little buggies that are causing the infection have created air pockets there. Did you know they could do that? The things you learn. Anyway, we went over to see our good Dr Duncan in Orthopedics and surgery is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon to reopen the leg, drain it and clean it. Will most likely put a vacumn drain on it this time and he'll be in the hospital for a few days on IV antibiotics. There's talk of sending him home on IV antibiotics, man the things I've learned how to do this year! Chemo is on hold until this is cleared up, maybe until after Christmas. Oh, by the way, the cat scans were interesting.
In other, less depressing news, We had all the children here on Sunday for a pre-Christmas celebration and a little package opening since the California kids went home today. I put them on a plane tonight, they were looking forward to San Diego Weather 9F degrees is too cold they think! At the end of the party Larry's Mom, Sister Marie, Niece Kristi and G-neice Alayna came by on their way home from the airport. Alayna had decorated cookies for all of us and they were adorable, Since she isn't even old enough for school they were amazing and very sweet of her!
I am nearly ready for Christmas, I was better situated before today but I'll make it, I think. I had gotten to a place where I was going to be able to just sew but I think there's a kink in that plan!
After 4 kids and all this, your surely qualified to be a Nurse......