
Monday, December 1, 2008

CT news-Some good, some bad

I know everyone is awaiting news from Larry's CT scan last week so here goes. The good news is that there are no NEW places in his lungs, the bad news is that none of the old ones gone and two had grown a little. There is a little good news there as well as it was only a little not doubled or anything. This means that the course of chemo he was on isn't working so today he began a new course with different meds. These are administered on a out patient basis in a three week cycle, one today, one next Monday and then one off. After the second cycle he'll have another CTscan, probably the first week in January, the judge the effectiveness of this course. The good thing here being not admitted to the hospital AND the fact that there are fewer side effects to this stuff. He has been having some pain in the hip where the tumor was and will have some imaging of it in the near future as well. It could be a nerve, or arthur or more tumor, we have to wait and see.

I need to go get my little guy from day care, talk later.

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